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Wednesday 17 August 2011

Stickers: Faith That Sticks

Faith That Sticks stickers can be purchased in a pack of 6 sheets or as single sheets. Each sheet of stickers is 101 x 111mm.
Standard Publishing.
Berries and Blessings

Each sticker has a different berry and a verse. Includes verses such as "Let us love one another: for love is of God. 1 John 4:7," "Create in me a clean heart, O God. Psalm 51:10," and " I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me. Philippians 4:13."

Stickers per sheet: 6
Bible Version: KJV

Blessing Scrolls

Roses and scrolls. "The blessing of the Lord be upon you. Psalm 129:8" and "The Lord bless you and keep you. Numbers 6:24"

Stickers per sheet: 8 (4 with verses)
Bible Version: not KJV

Blossoms and Blessings

“The word of our God shall stand forever;” “Be still, and know that I am God,” “All things were made by him,” “Behold the beauty of the Lord,” “Trust in the Lord, “The blessing of the Lord be upon you.”

Stickers per sheet: 8 (6 with verses) 
Bible Version: KJV

Encouraging Words

Mottos: God is so good! Share God’s word, Jesus is my light, Tap into the power—pray!, He died for you! Let your light shine!, I’m praying for you, You’re a blessing to me! Smile, God loves you!

Stickers per sheet: 13
Bible Version: none

Farmyard Friends

Realistic pictures of farm animals.

Stickers per sheet: 13
Bible Version: none

Fragrant Roses
Realistic pictures of roses with fragrance.

Stickers per sheet: 12
Bible Version: none


Teddies. Mottos: "Friends are forever," "Hello friend!," "A friend is a gift," God bless you," "My special friend," "Friends are great!," "Thinking about you!"

Stickers per sheet: 8 (7 with mottos)
Bible Version: none
Garden Birds and Butterflies
Realistic pictures of birds and insects.

Stickers per sheet: 13
Bible Version: none

God Loves Kids

Mottos: God is Good, God is Love, God cares for you, God Bless You!.

Stickers per sheet: 13 (4 with mottos)
Bible Version: none

God Loves You
Flowers, hearts and bees. Motto: God loves you.
Stickers per sheet: 9 (6 with mottos)
Bible Version: none

God Made Everything

Pictures of what God made on that day of creation in the shape of the number corresponding to the day of creation.
Stickers per sheet: 6
Bible Version: none
God's Beautiful Birds
Realistic pictures of birds with names labelled (labels not on the actual sticker).
Stickers per sheet: 9
Bible Version: none

God's Beautiful Butterflies

Realistic pictures of butterflies with names labelled (labels not on the actual sticker).
Stickers per sheet: 9
Bible Version: none

God's Care

Stickers per sheet: 9
Bible Version: none

God's Garden
Kittens and gardening theme. Mottos: "Grow with God's love," "Creatures great and small," "Rooted in God's love," Dig into God's Word," "Purr-fect Peace," "Plant God's Word in Your Heart," "Jesus is My Sunshine," "Pour out God's Love," "Lend a Hand."
Stickers per sheet: 9
Bible Version: none

Heartfelt Thoughts
Flowers and ribbons in heart-shaped wreaths. Mottos: God loves you, Jesus loves us, God is love, Love is of God, Jesus loves you, I love Jesus, Love one another, Jesus loves me, God loves us.
Stickers per sheet: 13 (9 with mottos, others have smiley faces)
Bible Version: none

Jesus Loves Us
Pictures of children with animals. Mottos: Jesus loves me, God loves you, Jesus loves us all, Jesus loves us, Jesus loves you and me, Jesus loves you, God loves me, God loves us, God loves you and me.
Stickers per sheet: 9
Bible Version: none

Pictures of lighthouses. Mottos: Jesus will lead you home, Jesus is a light in the darkness, The Lord is my light, God’s Word is a light to my path, Let your light shine, God’s Word gives light, Jesus is the light of the world, Send out your light, Light up a lost world.
Stickers per sheet: 9
Bible Version: none

The Lord is My Shepherd

Pictures of sheep, butterflies and flowers. Mottos: I shall not want, Thou art with me, My cup runneth over, Goodness and mercy shall follow me, The Lord is my shepherd, Thy rod and thy staff they comfort me, Beside the still waters, I will fear no evil, He leadeth me.

Stickers per sheet: 13 (9 with mottos)
Bible Version: KJV

Modern Hearts
Hearts. Motto: Jesus lives in my heart
Stickers per sheet: 9
Bible Version: none
Patio Pots
Flower pots. Motto: Grow in His love.
Stickers per sheet: 9 (6 with motto)
Bible Version: none

Proverbs 3:5
Hearts and designs in bright colours. Mottos: "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding," "Trust," "Trust in the Lord," "Love God," "Trust God," "Lord."

Stickers per sheet: 7
Bible Version: not KJV

Psalm 9:1
Mottos: "I will praise you, O Lord, with all my heart," "Praise," "Praise the Lord!" "Praise God with all your heart."

Stickers per sheet: 7
Bible Version: not KJV
Psalm Quilt
Floral. Verses: The earth is the Lord's. Psalm 24:1; Rejoice in the Lord. Psalm 22:1; Praise ye the Lord. Psalm 150:1; Serve the Lord with gladness. psalm 100:2; Great is the Lord. Psalm 48:1; Give thanks unto the Lord. Psalm 92:1; The Lord is my shepherd. Psalm 23:1; Hear my prayer, O Lord. Psalm 102:1; In God I have put my trust. Psalm 56:4
Stickers per sheet: 10 (9 with a verse)
Bible Version: KJV

Psalm Signs
Floral. Verses: The earth is the Lord's. Psalm 24:1; Rejoice in the Lord. Psalm 22:1; Praise ye the Lord. Psalm 150:1; Serve the Lord with gladness. Psalm 100:2; Great is the Lord. Psalm 48:1; The Lord is my shepherd. Psalm 23:1; Hear my prayer, O Lord. Psalm 102:1; Trust in the Lord. Psalm 37:3
Stickers per sheet: 9
Bible Version: KJV

Scroll Motto
Flowers and scrolls. Mottos: Sing Praises to the Lord, Love the Lord Our God, Give Thanks to the Lord, The Lord Bless You, Trust in the Lord, Rejoice in the Lord, Worship the Lord, Praise the Lord.
Stickers per sheet: 8
Bible Version: none

Smile, God Loves You
Motto: Smile, God Loves You!
Stickers per sheet: 6
Bible Version: none

Spring Blessings
Realistic pictures of flowers. Mottos: God bless you! Let the earth rejoice! Trust in the Lord! Great is the Lord! God is so good.
Stickers per sheet: 6 (5 with mottos)
Bible Version: none

Woodland Wonders
Realistic pictures of animals.

Stickers per sheet: 13
Bible Version: none

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