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Thursday 18 August 2011

Tognia by Dorothy Grunbock Johnston

Click here to look inside the book

Summary: Tognia is a little boy in India. His family are typical Indians. One day a Christian missionary invites Tognia to come to Mission school. For the first time in his life, Tognia learns about the one true God and his need for a Saviour. When the gospel is explained, Tognia understands and believes in Christ. When Tognia returns home after nine months at school, he sings as he works. He sings the hymns he had learnt at the Mission school. His family are curious as to what the words of these songs means so Tognia explains to them. His father turns to Christ, then his mother and all the rest of the family and so now the whole family sings hymns! When Tognia returned home after another nine months of school, he told his father he was going to be baptized and his father is baptized as well. Through this family's witness other villagers are saved.

Message: In this book not only is life in India simply explained but also the way of salvation through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.

Other: While this book is a storybook, each page has an illustration to be coloured.

Reading level: 6-10 years.

Pages: 32
Size: 212 x 280mm
Bible Truth Publishers. 2009

Bible Version: KJV

1 comment:

  1. This was one of the first books I read to my children that was about a child in another country. They were totally fascinated by it, and the story led to my daughter (6 years old at the time) to ask about baptism, and make a decision to get baptised herself.
