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Saturday 13 August 2011

The Hunter

Full Text of The Hunter
The sun flickered in the shadows as the man walked watchfully and silently through the forests of Scotland several hundred years ago.
His bow and arrow were by his side, and he listened alertly to the sounds of the forest.
Another footstep sounded quietly. The hunter waited as a young boy approached him, and they shared a friendly greeting.
“I’m on my way to yonder castle,” said the hunter.
“I’ve heard that the king visits that castle sometimes,” replied the lad. “I’d like to see him.”
“Come with me then,” the man replied. “You will see him today.”
“I have never seen the king before. How would I recognize him?” asked the boy.
“That won’t be a problem,” answered the hunter. “He will be the only one in the room wearing a hat.”
The boy was a little doubtful about entering the castle, but there were no problems getting in. Soon he found himself in a huge room where a number of Scottish nobles were gathered. Every man rose instantly to his feet and pulled off his plaid cap.
Who Is the King?
The lad turned his puzzled eyes to the hunter. “Who is the king? It must be either you or me, because we are the only ones with our hats on!” Then the truth flashed into the boy’s mind: This hunter was the king of Scotland! Immediately he tore off his cap and knelt before him.
Our King
Maybe you do not owe loyalty to the king of Scotland, but this story is for you, because you owe honor and obedience to the King of kings. Jesus Christ created all things, and the Bible says, “He is Lord of all” (Acts 10:36). But we have sinned and need His forgiveness. What will you do when you suddenly recognize that the Man who died on Calvary’s cross is the Judge of all?
It is wonderful beyond words to recognize Him now and to worship Him with your whole heart and life.
“All men should honor the Son” (John 5:23). There will be a day when we who know Him as Lord and Saviour will hear His call and will rise instantly to meet Him in the air to be with Him forever. There will also be a day when those who have refused to acknowledge Him now will see Him on a great white throne. There will be no problem recognizing Him then as the King of kings and the Lord of lords, and everyone will bow before Him. But there will be no sin-cleansing blood in that day — it will be forever too late to be forgiven.
The Lord Jesus Christ offers you forgiveness today. Don’t allow pride or shame to come between you and the Saviour who loves you. Kneel before Him and accept Him as your Lord and Saviour now and for all eternity. “Behold, now is the day of salvation” (2 Corinthians 6:2).

Gospel tract.
Pages: 4
Size: 89 x 139mm
Bible Truth Publishers

Pack quantity: 100

Bible Version: KJV

To purchase: No minimum quantities on any tract purchase so single copies or whatever is required may be ordered. Pack quantities are given for those who want to purchase a complete pack.

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