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This blog has been created to help customers discover more information about products which they are interested in purchasing.
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Friday, 28 July 2017
Abraham's Promise: Stevie's Trek to the Holy Land
Find out more here
On this trek, Stevie explores the land where it all happened! Have you ever wondered how big the Sea of Galilee really is, or how hard it would be to climb Mt. Sinai? Have you thought, what was Abraham’s life actually like? Well, Stevie is in the land of the Bible to find out! We could spend out whole lives reading the Bible, and still find amazing new things every day. But for this trek, Stevie is going to follow one story that flows throughout the whole Scripture. It has many different heroes and villains and even more twists and turns and you can experience it all with him! Take a ride on a camel as he journeys back in time to the lifestyle of the Ancient Bedouin. Come to the city of Jerusalem where Abraham’s test truly begins, and join Stevie as he discovers how God uses one family to keep a promise designed for the whole world!
Recommended for 10-16 year olds
Running time: 25 minutes
Optional English subtitles
The Miracle of Moses: Stevie's Trek to the Holy Land
Find out more here
Join Stevie as he continues his journey across the land of the Bible! Have you ever wanted to climb inside a Pyramid, or wondered what the top of Mt. Sinai looks like? Well Stevie is in the land of the Bible to find out! On this trek, Stevie is going to discover the many miracles God performs in the life of Moses as he continues to fulfill his promise to the descendants of Abraham. Journey through the ancient land of Egypt, float on the Nile River, and discover how God uses one family to keep a promise designed for the whole world!
Recommended for 10-16 year olds
Running time: 25 minutes
Optional English subtitles
The Throne of David: Stevie's Trek to the Holy Land
Find out more here
Come along with Stevie as he returns to trek through the land of the Bible! Have you ever wanted to be a hero or wondered what it would be like to walk in a realm with giants? Well Stevie is in the land of the Bible to find out! On this trek, Stevie is going to uncover the life of a young shepherd boy who was made a king, and learn how God would use him to fulfill his promise to the descendants of Abraham. Join our expedition through the ancient land of Israel, battle for the new king, and discover how God uses one family to keep a promise designed for the whole world!
Recommended for 10-16 year olds
Running time: 25 minutes
Optional English subtitles
The Carpenter's Son: Stevie's Trek to the Holy Land
Find out more here
Venture with Stevie as he journeys on through the land of the Bible! Have you ever wanted to be an ancient king, live in a palace or wonder what it would be like to run for your life? Well Stevie is in the land of the Bible to find out! On this trek, Stevie is going to discover who the real Messiah is, where he came from and how God would use him to fulfill his promise to the descendants of Abraham. Come along and travel through the ancient land of Israel, solve this mystery, and discover how God uses one family to keep a promise designed for the whole world!
Recommended for 10-16 year olds
Running time: 25 minutes
Optional English subtitles
Messiah's Promise: Stevie's Trek to the Holy Land
Find out more here
On this final trek, Stevie concludes his journey through the land where it all happened! Have you ever wanted to float on the Sea of Galilee and see where Jesus walked on water or wondered how Jesus grew up and where he performed his miracles? Well Stevie is in the land of the Bible to find out! We could spend our whole lives reading the Bible, and still find amazing new things every day. But for this trek, Stevie is going to come to the end of the one story that flows throughout the whole Scripture. We have seen its many different heroes and villains and discovered even more twists and turns! Uncover the life and ministry of the Messiah and join Stevie as he discover how God uses one man to keep a promise designed for the whole world!
Recommended for 10-16 year olds
Running time: 25 minutes
Optional English subtitles
A Horse Called Willing by Rebecca Martin
Look inside the book
When Lady's carefree gallop across the pasture ended in disaster, the family needed another horse. That's how Willing arrived at their farm. Willing was a model of . . . stubbornness. Through the adventures, struggles, and surprises that followed, Joel learned about willingness, getting along with others, and, most important of all, that God does all things well.
As an Amish boy living on a small farm, Joel's life is different from many. Yet, many of his experiences and troubles are similar to most children - loneliness, sadness, joy, fun, chores and school. Joel and his brother face challenges and learn how to live to please God.
No illustrations.
Reading Level: 8-12 years
Pages: 165
Size: 133 x 210mm
Christian Light Publications
Bible Version: KJV
Book - 8-12 years,
character building,
Thursday, 27 July 2017
The Lord is Merciful (Arabic or Farsi)
Full text of The Lord is Merciful | |
Yes, the Lord is merciful! How thankful we are that He is, for we are all sinners and in need of His mercy. The Bible says, “The Lord is merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and plenteous in mercy” (Psalm 103:8). | |
There are some, however, who take God’s mercy for granted, forgetting that the same Bible, which tells us He is merciful, also tells us that “it is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God” (Hebrews 10:31). It is easy to speak of God’s mercy as though this meant He would look at sin lightly as we often do. Indeed some think, or hope, that He will overlook their sins altogether, because He is love. | |
Now we rejoice indeed that God is merciful and gracious, but He never has been, and He never will be, merciful at the expense of His holiness. His character is unchangeable, and He cannot lie. He cannot pass over sin, for His Word says, “Every transgression and disobedience received a just recompense of reward” (Hebrews 2:2). What would we think of a court where every guilty person was acquitted, just because the judge was merciful! Justice would be gone. We might as well close up the courtroom and proclaim to the people that they could do just as they pleased and never be punished. Is God less just than man? Let His Word give us the answer: “Justice and judgment are the habitation of Thy throne: mercy and truth shall go before Thy face” (Psalm 89:14). Will He punish sin? Indeed He will. “God is light, and in Him is no darkness at all” (1 John 1:5). Men may escape the justice of earthly courts, but “all things are naked and opened unto the eyes of Him with whom we have to do” (Hebrews 4:13). | |
Now since God is holy, as well as merciful, how can He show His mercy to sinners like us, who are guilty before Him? This is where the cross of Christ tells out the love of God. God loves us but hates our sins. He desires to show us mercy, but justice demands that we be punished. And so on the cross the whole question of our sins and guilt was completely settled forever. God took all the sins of all who would believe and placed them upon His spotless Son, and then He punished Him instead of us. “He hath made Him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in Him” (2 Corinthians 5:21). Divine justice is now fully satisfied, because all its claims have been fully met. “Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures:...He was buried ... and He rose again the third day according to the scriptures” (1 Corinthians 15:3‑4). The resurrection of Christ is the proof that God is fully satisfied with the work His Son has done, and now He can “be JUST, and the JUSTIFIER of him which believeth in Jesus” (Romans 3:26). | |
It is not for us to vainly hope that God will pass over our sins, for He cannot. But those who turn to Him, owning their sin and guilt, and believing in Christ’s finished work, are saved. God is not looking for some goodness in us, for we have none before Him. He is not asking us to try to do better, for our very natures are bad and sinful. We cannot buy His salvation, nor can it be obtained by anything that we can do. It is a free gift: “The gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord” (Romans 6:23). God is waiting to hear the sinner say, “I have sinned.” If you are not saved, take your true place before Him now, as lost and helpless, unable to save yourself. | |
“Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved” (Acts 16:31). | |
There is no other way. | |
God wants to be merciful to you, but the only way to obtain His mercy is to receive the Lord Jesus Christ as your Saviour. If you reject God’s gracious offer of pardon, there will be no mercy for you. Judgment is ahead of you in the lake of fire forever. Why not receive the Lord Jesus as your own personal Saviour today? |
Gospel tract in Arabic
Pages: 4
Size: 89 x 139mm
Gospel tract in Farsi
Pages: 2
Size: 218 x 281mm
Gospel tract in Punjabi
Size: 12.8 x 17.8cm

other languages,
Roman Gujarati John's Gospel
Romanized version of John’s Gospel in Gujarati, based on the CL version.
This Romanized version of John's Gospel in Gujarati is great for 2nd and 3rd generation Gujarati-speakers who read English
46 pages
14 x 21.7cm
other languages,
Scripture portions
A Faithful Friend
| |
The farmer’s dog had been very useful to him, but the dog was getting old. The farmer decided to drown him. | |
Taking the dog with him to a large river near his farm, the farmer got into a boat and rowed out to the deepest part. He tied a rope around the dog’s neck and attached the other end to a heavy stone. Then he threw both into the water. | |
The poor dog sank, but the rope broke. The dog rose to the surface and, with a whine, tried to get back into the boat. Unswayed, his master repeatedly shoved back the scrambling dog. Finally, the farmer stood up in the boat, intending to beat his dog hard enough with the oar to send him to the bottom. Losing his balance, the farmer splashed into the water. | |
Loving Friend | |
The man couldn’t swim, and he was too far away to reach the boat. The dog saw his master drowning, and, in spite of the cruel treatment he had just received from him, the dog swam over, caught hold of his clothes, and brought his master safely to shore. | |
How cruel and heartless the farmer was to his faithful dog! We may even feel the man deserved to drown. We hope he had a change of heart and repaid his faithful friend by taking good care of the dog for the rest of his days. | |
Let’s turn this picture around. Aren’t you and I, and everyone else, far more guilty than this farmer in our treatment of the kindness and love of God’s Son, the Lord Jesus Christ? | |
Consider This | |
Jesus came into this world and spent His life doing good, healing the sick, giving sight to the blind, raising the dead, feeding the hungry, and bringing joy and relief to the sad and weary. But how was He treated in return? Men cried, “Away with Him” (John 19:15), and nailed Him to a cross to die! | |
How evil and cruel men were to put to death Jesus, the Son of God—the one perfect, sinless man sent in love from God. Putting Him to death exposed the hatred and hostility of man’s heart against God. | |
Who Has a Sinful Heart? | |
Were those men who put Christ to death the only ones who have sinful hearts? Certainly not! You and I have sinful hearts just like those who cried, “Away with Him,” for God says, “The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?” (Jeremiah 17:9). Just like those men, we’ll take His blessings one moment but want to get rid of Him the next if what He says doesn’t agree with what we want. | |
Take a close look at that blessed Son of God on the cross. He doesn’t resist the cruelty inflicted upon Him. He doesn’t say one word in anger or show resentment. The prophet Isaiah declares, “He is brought as a lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheep before her shearers is [silent]” (Isaiah 53:7). Instead, when everything is against Him, His love flows out to a world of guilty sinners. He prays, “Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do” (Luke 23:34). | |
The cross is the place where men tried to get rid of Him. Instead, His death and resurrection become the means by which His saving power flows out to all who come in repentance, admitting they are sinners, and receive Him as their Saviour and Lord. | |
The faithful dog saved his ungrateful master’s life, but Jesus saves not for time only but for eternity. He gives eternal life to whosoever will believe! | |
Faith in the Saviour | |
If you have not placed your faith in this blessed Saviour, receive Him now before it is too late. Soon He will come in judgment on this world, when His anger “shall burn as an oven” (Malachi 4:1). Then He will be your judge! | |
“In this was manifested the love of God toward us, because that God sent His only begotten Son into the world, that we might live through Him. Herein is love, not that we loved God, but that He loved us, and sent His Son to be the propitiation for our sins” (1 John 4:9-10). Gospel tract. Pages: 4 Size: 89 x 139mm Bible Truth Publishers Pack quantity: 100 Bible Version: KJV To purchase: No minimum quantities on any tract purchase so single copies or whatever is required may be ordered. Pack quantities are given for those who want to purchase a complete pack. Also available in Hindi: 122 x 171mm. 4 pages. #MGLH203tr Also available in Gujarati: 122 x 171mm. 4 pages. #MGLG101tr Also available in Bengali: 108 x 160mm. 4 pages. #MGLB015tr |
other languages,
Your Muslim Guest by William M Miller
A well-known practical guide in friendship and witness for Christians who meet Muslims.
16 pages
13.9 x 19cm
Other religions
Is Jesus the Son of God? by Ernest Hahn
A delicate handling of a very fundamental belief of Islam in light of the Scriptures. Written by a Christian worker of over 50 years experience with Muslims.
Full text of tract:
Perhaps no other name is so well known in the world as the name of Jesus the Messiah. Everywhere there are people who acknowledge the Messiah as God's great gift through whom He has blessed all mankind.
Who, then is this Jesus the Messiah, that He is God's great gift for mankind? Here we wish to consider briefly only Christian and Muslim responses to this question. Through this consideration we hope to clear some misunderstandings which may exist between these two communities in regard to Jesus the Messiah.
Christians say that Jesus is the Son of God. Muslims say that Jesus is a great prophet like all other great prophets. They ask: "How can God have a son? Who, then, is God's wife through whom God has a son? God has no wife, nor does He have a son. To say that God has a son is to be guilty of sin of shirk, the sin of associating a partner with Allah. God is one. He alone rules. He has no son as an associate."
While discussing who Jesus is, how often helpful conversation between Muslim and Christian ceases at the point of Jesus' Sonship. Too often the Christian fails to explain why he calls Jesus the Son of God. Too often the Muslim fails to investigate for himself what the Holy Injil (the New Testament) means when Jesus is called Son of God. Regarding this matter, may we present only briefly the following points:
1. The Injil clearly states that Jesus is the Son of God. He is called Son of God by his disciples: "You are the Christ (Messiah), the Son of the living God" (Injil, Matthew 16:16). He is called Son of God by the Heavenly Father: "This is my beloved Son with whom I am well pleased" (Matthew 3:17). He calls Himself the Son of God: "Again the High Priest asked him, 'Are you the Christ, the Son of the Blessed?' and Jesus said, 'I am..." (Mark 14:61,62). Many other passages in the Injil also refer to Jesus as the Son of God.
Yet the Muslim may ask: "Are these passages really in the Injil? Have they not been inserted in later times so that the Injil has become corrupted?" To such questions we may only reply: "The Injil is God's Holy Book. He has preserved it and He will preserve it." It is wrong to conclude that since Jesus is called the Son of God, therefore the Injil has been corrupted.
2. Let us now consider what the Injil does not mean when Jesus is called the Son of God. The Injil agrees with the Muslim that God has no wife, nor through a wife a son. Jesus is not called the Son of God because He is born of Mary. (Before Mary was born, the Son of God is, as we shall see.) Nor does the Injil attempt to make a man God or a god besides God. God alone is God!
In all these ways Jesus is not the Son of God according to the Injil. To think that Jesus is called the Son of God in any or all these ways is to misunderstand the Injil. Again let each one examine the matter for himself with the intelligence that God has given him.
3. What, then, does the Injil mean when Jesus is called the Son of God? Let us state it thus: If God can see and hear without having created eyes and ears as we have; if God can have a face and hands different from our created faces and hands; if God can sit upon a throne different from thrones men occupy; if all this be possible with God -- and most Muslims would agree that it is -- is, then, is it not possible that God can have a Son different from the sons we know? If God so will, cannot God have a son without a wife and sex?
The Injil states that God has such a Son. The Injil states that this Son is also called God's Word. As God's Word is eternal, so also His Son is eternal. The eternal Son of God is thus the eternal Word of God, God's expression of Himself.
On the first Christmas Day, almost two thousand years ago, this eternal Son came from heaven into our world. Through the power of God's Holy Spirit, God's eternal Son became man and prophet. He became man by being born of the Virgin Mary.
The Angel Jibra'il told Mary that He should be called Jesus. But the angel Jibra'il also told her: "He shall be great and shall be called the Son of the Highest" (Luke 1:32). This is why Jesus, though a prophet, is more than a prophet. This is why Jesus is called Jesus, which means "Saviour from sin". He is the Son of God. He is also the Son of Man.
If God's eternal Word can become a book, why cannot His eternal Word become a man?
4. But why did God will that His eternal Son and Word come down from Heaven to earth? Simply because God willed to show mankind who He is and what He wants to do for mankind. As the Son of God, who has become man, Jesus can fulfill this purpose of God. That is why He alone can say: "I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life; no one comes to the Father, but by me" (John 14:6). "He who has seen me has seen the Father" (John 14:9).
Jesus alone is God's revelation of Himself to mankind for mankind's salvation. He, the Son of God, is God showing us Himself and His love for us in terms we finite creatures can understand. This, then, is the meaning of the Injil when Jesus is called the Son of God. Thus the Injil states: "In many and various ways God spoke of old to our fathers by the prophets; but in these last days He has spoken to us by a Son..." (Hebrews 1:1,2).
Centuries before the birth of Jesus a great prophet, despairing over the sin of mankind, cried out to God: "O that Thou wouldst rend the heavens and come down" (Bible, Isaiah 64:1). In Jesus, the eternal Son of God, God has fulfilled the prayer of this prophet. Behold Jesus, and you will behold God's greatness and glory. Behold Jesus, and you will behold God, most merciful and compassionate, present with men. Learn from Jesus God's love and concern to save you and all mankind.
Many of you already possess the Bible or Injil or a part of it. Read it once more with care and with prayer. Open your heart and mind to its message. It will prove a great blessing to you. Such is our prayer for you.
8 pages.
10.2 x 11.49cm
Id Mubarak: The Day of Jesus the Messiah's Resurrection
The story of the resurrection of Jesus Christ, especially written for Muslims.
Gospel tract.
6 pages
81 x 184mm
MGL- Multilingual
Bible Version: NKJV
Other religions
Saturday, 22 July 2017
Stronger Than the Sword by Faith Cook
Though the characters are fictitious, they represent the truth. Their lives are interwoven with historical figures, such as John Bunyan. Set during a time of great persecution, the focus is on a typical family living in Somerset at that time. The lesson is clear: we do not fear those who kill the body, but must have faith that is ‘stronger than the sword’.
A farmer, searching the moors at night for his son, missing after a skirmish in the English Civil War, stumbles across a Royalist soldier lying severely injured in a ditch. His decision to help the man will have surprising repercussions in years to come, both for his own family and for the stranger whose life was saved at great personal cost to his rescuers.
Set in times when to refuse to conform to the forms of worship imposed by the state was to risk fines or imprisonment, The circumstances of the lives of the central characters are set in the context of these stirring historical events.
These people are representative of the countless numbers of Christians worldwide who, down the centuries, have demonstrated a faith in the living God which is stronger than the sword – a faith that prevails even though a civil power may attempt to crush and annihilate it. As such, their example challenges Christians today to remain faithful to the truths of Scripture, cost what it may and however subtle the forms in which persecution may be presented.
Set in times when to refuse to conform to the forms of worship imposed by the state was to risk fines or imprisonment, The circumstances of the lives of the central characters are set in the context of these stirring historical events.
These people are representative of the countless numbers of Christians worldwide who, down the centuries, have demonstrated a faith in the living God which is stronger than the sword – a faith that prevails even though a civil power may attempt to crush and annihilate it. As such, their example challenges Christians today to remain faithful to the truths of Scripture, cost what it may and however subtle the forms in which persecution may be presented.
Reading Level: for older teens and adults
Pages: 190
Size: 136 x 216mm
EP Books
Bible Version: KJV, ESV
Book - 16 years - Adult,
church history
God Hears by Stephanie Carmichael
In this book children will learn that God wants us to talk to him and he hears us no matter what the time and no matter where we are. I can talk to him whether I feel happy or sad. I can say "thank you", "please help" and "sorry".
The first three or four years of a child’s life are a wonderful time. Children are discovering so much about themselves and about their world. It is a delight—and often lots of fun—to watch the changes taking place in front of our eyes. Helping a child learn about God during these formative years is both a great privilege and a unique challenge. Books for Little Ones is a series of simple books written specifically for this age group (1–4 year olds). Along with beautiful photos, each book provides age–appropriate teaching about God and us, in a way that encourages your child to take the first steps of faith—first steps on what will be, God willing, a lifetime journey of growing in the knowledge and love of God. Extensive tips and ideas are also provided for parents.
Full colour illustrations on every page.
Reading Level: Read to 1-4 years
16 pages
Size: 15 x 15cm
Matthias Media
Bible Version: Good News Translation
Thursday, 20 July 2017
Colourful Vase List Pad
List Pad has 50 sheets of full color paper and a magnetic strip on the back. It’s the perfect size for your fridge or file cabinet.
Verse: The Lord bless and keep thee. Numbers 6:24 KJV
50 pages.
Size: 7 x 24.9cm
Garden Bluebirds List Pad
List Pad has 50 sheets of full color paper and a magnetic strip on the back. It’s the perfect size for your fridge or file cabinet.
Verse: Peace be with thee. Judges 19:20 KJV
50 pages.
Size: 7 x 24.9cm
Swirling Branches List Pad
List Pad has 50 sheets of full color paper and a magnetic strip on the back. It’s the perfect size for your fridge or file cabinet.
50 pages.
Size: 7 x 24.9cm
Blessings Memo Pad
Features Let love and faithfulness never leave you. Proverbs 3:3
80 sheets.
Size: 13.3 x 18.4cm
The Lord Remembers Gift Bag
The Lord remembers us and will bless us - Psalm 115:12 is printed on both sides of these inspirational paper gift bags with floral designs. Includes 3 free sheets of tissue paper.
Matching gift tags with blank backs to write a special note
Soft, coordinating rope handles
Medium Size: 205 x 252 x 103mm
Matching gift tags with blank backs to write a special note
Soft, coordinating rope handles
Medium Size: 205 x 252 x 103mm
The Lord is Good Gift Bag
For the Lord is good and his love endures forever... Psalm 100:5 is printed on both sides of these inspirational gift bags with fruit and flower designs.
Includes 3 free sheets of tissue paper
Matching gift tags with blank backs to write a special note
Soft, coordinating rope handles
Size: 260 x 316 x 99mm
Bible Version: NIV
God Knows Me by Stephanie Carmichael
Books for Little Ones
In this book children will learn that God loves us and knows all about us. He knows where we are and what we do. He knows what we look like and how we feel. Thank you God that you know all about me and love me.
The first three or four years of a child’s life are a wonderful time. Children are discovering so much about themselves and about their world. It is a delight—and often lots of fun—to watch the changes taking place in front of our eyes. Helping a child learn about God during these formative years is both a great privilege and a unique challenge. Books for Little Ones is a series of simple books written specifically for this age group (1–4 year olds). Along with beautiful photos, each book provides age–appropriate teaching about God and us, in a way that encourages your child to take the first steps of faith—first steps on what will be, God willing, a lifetime journey of growing in the knowledge and love of God. Extensive tips and ideas are also provided for parents.
Full colour illustrations on every page.
Reading Level: Read to 1-4 years
16 pages
Size: 15 x 15cm
Matthias Media
Bible Version: Good News Translation
Monday, 17 July 2017
Broadman Bookmarks (7)
Size: 51 x 165mm
Pack size: 25
Note: Pack size is given for those purchasing in bulk. Bookmarks may be purchased singly or in any quantity.
Bible Version: KJV
Size: 51 x 165mm
Pack size: 25
Note: Pack size is given for those purchasing in bulk. Bookmarks may be purchased singly or in any quantity.
Bible Version: KJV
Saturday, 15 July 2017
God is Great by Stephanie Carmichael
Books for Little Ones
In this book children will learn that God is different to us. He is great and he can do great things that I can't do. He made me. He made my family and my friends. He made everything. God's love is great because He sent Jesus.
The first three or four years of a child’s life are a wonderful time. Children are discovering so much about themselves and about their world. It is a delight—and often lots of fun—to watch the changes taking place in front of our eyes. Helping a child learn about God during these formative years is both a great privilege and a unique challenge. Books for Little Ones is a series of simple books written specifically for this age group (1–4 year olds). Along with beautiful photos, each book provides age–appropriate teaching about God and us, in a way that encourages your child to take the first steps of faith—first steps on what will be, God willing, a lifetime journey of growing in the knowledge and love of God. Extensive tips and ideas are also provided for parents.
Full colour illustrations on every page.
Reading Level: Read to 1-4 years
16 pages
Size: 15 x 15cm
Matthias Media
Bible Version: Good News Translation
Thank You God by Stephanie Carmichael
Books for Little Ones
In this book children will learn to say "thank you" to God for all the things He gives us. Thank you for people who love me and for friends to play with. Thank you for water and food. Thank you for Jesus and the Bible. Thank you that I can talk to you and say "thank you."
The first three or four years of a child’s life are a wonderful time. Children are discovering so much about themselves and about their world. It is a delight—and often lots of fun—to watch the changes taking place in front of our eyes. Helping a child learn about God during these formative years is both a great privilege and a unique challenge. Books for Little Ones is a series of simple books written specifically for this age group (1–4 year olds). Along with beautiful photos, each book provides age–appropriate teaching about God and us, in a way that encourages your child to take the first steps of faith—first steps on what will be, God willing, a lifetime journey of growing in the knowledge and love of God. Extensive tips and ideas are also provided for parents.
Full colour illustrations on every page.
Reading Level: Read to 1-4 years
16 pages
Size: 15 x 15cm
Matthias Media
Bible Version: Good News Translation
Thank You by Juliet David
Help very young children explore their world and discover God's love for them with these first words with God. This colourful and sturdy padded board book teaches children the importance of saying 'Thank you'. Illustrated with bright cheerful pictures of everyday scenes that children can relate to and one simple sentence per page.
Full-colour illustrations on every page.
Reading Level: Read to 1-4
Pages: 10
Size: 130 x 138mm
Padded boardbook
Bible Version: none
Full-colour illustrations on every page.
Reading Level: Read to 1-4
Pages: 10
Size: 130 x 138mm
Padded boardbook
Bible Version: none
John Knox: Who Will You Save? By Catherine Mackenzie
Look inside the book
John Knox was a bright young lad who grew up to be a strong fighter for freedom and liberty. He had a gentle but fiercely loyal heart and became a stalwart defender of the reformed faith. He thundered the truth that neither good works, popes or priests can save you from sin - but Christ alone. This fiery Scot refused to give in to religion or royalty - it was the Bible, the Word of God that was his standard.
Full-colour illustrations on every page.
Reading Level: Read to 4-5; Read myself 6-7
Pages: 24
Size: 120 x 148mm
Christian Focus Publications
Bible Version: none
Autobiography/ biography,
Book - 5-8 years
Gladys Aylward: Are You Going to Stop? by Catherine Mackenzie
Look inside the book
Story of how Gladys Aylward was called by God to go to China as a missionary. As a girl she had always wanted to be taller and to have blonde hair. On arriving in China she realises that the people there all have dark hair and are generally not so tall. Her missionary work is simply described and her escape from the Japanese army, leading many orphan children over the mountains to safety. Told simply for younger children.
Full-colour illustrations on every page.
Reading Level: Read to 4-5; Read myself 6-7
Pages: 24
Size: 120 x 148mm
Christian Focus Publications
Bible Version: none
Autobiography/ biography,
Book - 5-8 years
Mary Slessor: What is it Like? by Catherine Mackenzie
Look inside the book
Mary Slessor was a fiery young red head who lead a tough life. From the slums of Dundee in Scotland she travelled to the wild jungles of Africa. Wherever she went she shared the good news of Jesus Christ. What was it like to work in a jute mill in Dundee or to work amongst warrior tribes in Africa? It was hard work, it was dangerous - but it was an adventure to be working for God.
Full-colour illustrations on every page.
Reading Level: Read to 4-5; Read myself 6-7
Pages: 24
Size: 120 x 148mm
Christian Focus Publications
Bible Version: none
Included in the Little Lights Boxed Set 2
Autobiography/ biography,
Book - 5-8 years
Eric Liddell: Are You Ready? by Catherine Mackenzie
Look inside the book
'On your marks, get set, Go!' The race begins and Eric Liddell thunders down the track. The crowd cheers him on. Eric Liddell has spent months preparing himself for the Olympics. But he has also spent years getting ready to serve God. Which is more important - winning a gold medal or honouring Jesus Christ? Can Eric do both?
Full-colour illustrations on every page.
Reading Level: Read to 4-5; Read myself 6-7
Pages: 24
Size: 120 x 148mm
Christian Focus Publications
Bible Version: none
Included in the Little Lights Boxed Set 2
Autobiography/ biography,
Book - 5-8 years
Martin Luther: What Should I Do? by Catherine Mackenzie
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The true story of Martin Luther and the Reformation. At the boarding school in Eisenach, Martin and his friends had to sing for their supper. Martin spent a lot of time thinking about how to get to heaven - he thought that he had to pray for hours on end, eat very little, work very hard and study a great many good books, in order to have his sins forgiven. However, as he began to read God's Word for himself, he discovered that the answer was not in doing these things, but by putting his trust in the Lord Jesus Christ.
Full-colour illustrations on every page.
Reading Level: Read to 4-5; Read myself 6-7
Pages: 24
Size: 120 x 148mm
Christian Focus Publications
Bible Version: none
Included in the Little Lights Boxed Set 2
Autobiography/ biography,
Book - 5-8 years
John Calvin: What is the Truth? by Catherine Mackenzie
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The true story of John Calvin and the Reformation for young readers. When John Calvin was a young boy he was taught many things that weren't true - but when he discovered the truth about God and Jesus Christ it was a very exciting time for him. It was so exciting he could not keep this amazing truth to himself. God helped John Calvin to teach the truth and he became one of the men who started the Reformation.
Full-colour illustrations on every page.
Reading Level: Read to 4-5; Read myself 6-7
Pages: 24
Size: 120 x 148mm
Christian Focus Publications
Bible Version: none
Included in the Little Lights Boxed Set 2
Autobiography/ biography,
Book - 5-8 years
David Livingstone: Who is the Bravest? by Catherine Mackenzie
Look inside the book
The true story of David Livingstone and his astonishing journeys. What would you do if a lion chased you? Would you fight it? That's what David Livingstone did. He did many brave things. He didn't think twice about travelled to Africa to tell the people there about Jesus, even though it was a dangerous trip. To do all this David had to be brave - but he was brave because he trusted in the bravest person of all - the Lord Jesus Christ.
Full-colour illustrations on every page.
Reading Level: Read to 4-5; Read myself 6-7
Pages: 24
Size: 120 x 148mm
Christian Focus Publications
Bible Version: none
Included in the Little Lights Boxed Set 2
Autobiography/ biography,
Book - 5-8 years
Helen Roseveare: What's in the Parcel? by Catherine Mackenzie
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The true story of Helen Roseveare and the hotwater bottle. In the Jungle an orphan baby need a hot water bottle, urgently, but no one would ever send one of these to the heat of the equator would they?!
However, when a little girl prays for God to send one that afternoon, Helen Roseveare wonders if her prayer will be answered. Will God send a hot water bottle to the equator? Find out what happens when Helen opens the parcel.
Full-colour illustrations on every page.
Reading Level: Read to 4-5; Read myself 6-7
Pages: 24
Size: 120 x 148mm
Christian Focus Publications
Bible Version: none
Included in the Little Lights Boxed Set 1
Autobiography/ biography,
Book - 5-8 years
George Muller: Does Money Grow on Trees? by Catherine Mackenzie
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What would you do if you needed some money? Would you pick some of a tree in the garden?
Of course you wouldn't - because money doesn't grow on trees. You have to work for it. Sometimes you have to work hard.
George Müller didn't like to work and tried to get his money in other ways. He would cheat and steal and was eventually thrown in prison. Find out how God changed George from a thief to someone even children could trust.
Full-colour illustrations on every page.
Reading Level: Read to 4-5; Read myself 6-7
Pages: 24
Size: 120 x 148mm
Christian Focus Publications
Bible Version: none
Included in the Little Lights Boxed Set 1
Autobiography/ biography,
Book - 5-8 years
Corrie Ten Boom: Are All of the Watches Safe? By Catherine Mackenzie
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Tells the true story of Corrie Ten Boom and little Dutch watch shop. While she mends watches she is constantly watching out for danger to ensure that her friends in the secret room are safe. Tells the story of God who is the only one who can keep us safe.
Full-colour illustrations on every page.
Reading Level: Read to 4-5; Read myself 6-7
Pages: 24
Size: 120 x 148mm
Christian Focus Publications
Bible Version: none
Included in the Little Lights Boxed Set 1
Autobiography/ biography,
Book - 5-8 years
Hudson Taylor: Could Somebody Pass the Salt? by Catherine Mackenzie
Look inside the book
What would you do if someone forgot to give you any lunch and you weren't allowed to ask for it?
Young Hudson Taylor's story of a missing bowl of soup is an amusing tale from his childhood. In the end Hudson gets his soup - but that isn't all. Hudson Taylor learns about the country of China. One day he will go there by himself to tell the people of China about the Lord Jesus.
Full-colour illustrations on every page.
Reading Level: Read to 4-5; Read myself 6-7
Pages: 24
Size: 120 x 148mm
Christian Focus Publications
Bible Version: none
Included in the Little Lights Boxed Set 1
Autobiography/ biography,
Book - 5-8 years
Amy Carmichael: Can Brown Eyes be Made Blue? by Catherine Mackenzie
Look inside the book
The true story of Amy Carmichael and her looking glass.
Out of the mirror two eyes peep. A young girl wonder if God has answered her prayer. Amy wants a new look. She wants blue eyes now and not brown. When Amy sees that the brown eyes are still there, tears begin to fall. 'Why hasn't God answered my prayer?' she storms.
But God knows that there are other children with brown eyes who needs Amy's help. Amy learns that God always answers prayer - and He always does what is best.
Full-colour illustrations on every page.
Reading Level: Read to 4-5; Read myself 6-7
Pages: 24
Size: 120 x 148mm
Christian Focus Publications
Bible Version: none
Included in the Little Lights Boxed Set 1
Autobiography/ biography,
Book - 5-8 years
Little Lights Boxed Set 2 by Catherine Mackenzie
Lessons from the lives of well known Christians
Beautifully illustrated hardbacks in a boxset
Part of the Little Lights series
These five beautifully illustrated hardbacks continue the Little Lights series and cover the lives of David Livingstone, John Calvin, Martin Luther, Eric Liddell and Mary Slessor.
Full-colour illustrations on every page.
Reading Level: Read to 4-5; Read myself 6-7
Pages: 120
Boxed set size: (225 x 160 x 54mm)
Christian Focus Publications
Bible Version: none
Full-colour illustrations on every page.
Reading Level: Read to 4-5; Read myself 6-7
Pages: 120
Boxed set size: (225 x 160 x 54mm)
Christian Focus Publications
Bible Version: none
Autobiography/ biography,
Book - 5-8 years
Little Lights Boxed Set 1 by Catherine Mackenzie
Lessons from the lives of well known Christians
Beautifully illustrated hardbacks in a boxset
Part of the Little Lights series
These five beautifully illustrated hardback books give lessons from the lives of famous Christians from the past - Amy Carmichael, Hudson Taylor, Corrie ten Boom, George Muller and Helen Roseveare. Learn about God's plans for people's lives and His amazing provision.
Full-colour illustrations on every page.
Reading Level: Read to 4-5; Read myself 6-7
Pages: 120
Boxed set size: (225 x 160 x 54mm)
Christian Focus Publications
Bible Version: none
Full-colour illustrations on every page.
Reading Level: Read to 4-5; Read myself 6-7
Pages: 120
Boxed set size: (225 x 160 x 54mm)
Christian Focus Publications
Bible Version: none
Autobiography/ biography,
Book - 5-8 years
Singing in the Fire by Faith Cook
In fourteen short biographies Faith Cook brings home the reality of the faith which carries Christians victoriously through trials.
Faith Cook's subject is familiar to Christian literature but these pages have several factors which make them arresting and captivating. Instead of meeting with well-known names, here is a portrait gallery which includes a number who lived far from the public notice. These pages are full of moving records from the old and the modern.
Biographies include: John Bradford, Wang Ming-Dao; Susannah Spurgeon; Margaret Baxter; Thomas Hog; John Oxtoby; Edward Payson
Pages: 208
Size: 121 x 181mm
Banner of Truth
Bible Version: KJV
Be Still Black & Gold Ceramic Mug
Simple and stately stoneware mug is embossed with a gold-lettered Psalm 46:10, “Be still and know that I am God.” It has and arched handle and golden-edged rim giving it a straightforward and refined appeal. Each mug is packaged in a gift boxed with a coordinating design.
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