"You're gonna love these drugs, kid. Trust me!" But this youngster pays a terrible price before he learns that Jesus is the only one he can really trust.

He was supposed to be executed for his crime, but someone took his place. Jesus has taken our place too.

Debbie thought playing Dungeons and Dragons was fun...until it destroyed her friend.
Duke thought Jesus was a sissy, until a trucker explained to him the horrible price Jesus paid so his sins could be forgiven. Then Duke saw that Jesus had more guts than anyone who ever lived. Great for truckers and bikers!
Here's why Jesus really came to earth...from His birth to His resurrection.
Rejected by his family, unemployed and with no one to turn to, Jimmy was ready for suicide. But then he met the One who truly loves him.

We are all born into sin, and headed for the same place. The only words in this simple tract are basic scriptures that show us how to be set free.
After angrily beating his son, Abdul discovers a list of questions for him to answer from the Qur'an. Seeking the truth, Abdul finds the loving God of creation in the Prophet Jesus. An emotional tract for Muslims.
If I just had more money, everything would be okay, right? Joe thought so, until...

Is he really the "Holy Father," or actually something quite different? Not ALL religion is of God. For Catholics.

I didn't even know I had a soul. Is it really that important?

The most popular Chick tract, This Was Your Life, adapted for Muslims, not just in the Middle East, but also in the West.
Sydney didn’t need Jesus. He knew all the "right" people. All except one, that is.

This compassionate tract shows Jehovah’s Witnesses why Jesus is God. It’s in their own Bible.

Jesus CAN free anyone from the sin of Sodom.
Due to the huge variety, most non-English Chick tracts are not kept in stock but can be ordered in.
Note: Chick tracts are stocked due to customer demand. While many have a good message and have a high acceptance rate when handing them out in public, the Depot does not endorse them all.
Size: 127 x 71mm
Chick Publications
Pack Size: 25
Bible Version: KJV