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Friday, 25 November 2011
Basic Christian Training by OJ Gibson
Summary: This workbook contains 13 important lessons for the growing believer, including: A Gospel Panorama; Christology; Lordship of Christ; Baptism; Eternal Salvation; Church Life; and Overcoming Temptation. Questions accompany each lesson.
Table of Contents:
1. A Gospel Panorama: A whole-Bible view of God's plan of reconciliation
2. Survey of Christology: A panoramic view of the life of Christ from eternity past to His futrue glory
3. Lordship of Christ: Christ's position as Lord; personal and practical implications
4. Buried in Baptism: Identification with Christ in His death, burial and resurrection
5. Eternal Salvation: The basis and duration of salvation
6. Church Life: The believer's family; necessity, purpose and function of the local church
7. Overcoming Temptation: Sources of temptation; how to deal with temptation
8. Appointment with God: Meeting daily with God
9. Eating the Word: How to have a balanced diet in the Word; application of the Word to daily living
10. Teach Us to Pray: Communication with God
11. We are His Witnesses: Call to witness; witness of life and word
12. Personal Testimony: How to prepare a personal testimony
13. The Lord's Supper: Background, celebration, preparation
Appendix A: "Safety, certainty, enjoyment" Basis, assurance and enjoyment of salvation
Appendix B: Prayer List: An aid for systematic intercession
Pages: 112
Size: 216 x 280mm
ECS Ministries. 2009 (reprint)
Bible Version: KJV, some NIV or NASB
Survey in Basic Christianity by OJ Gibson
Click here to look inside the book
Summary: Designed for new or untaught believers, this study provides a fine outreach teaching tool. Chapters include: Thy Word Is Truth; The Person of God; The Problem of Sin; Jesus the Messiah; The Meaning of the Cross; The New Birth; Assurance of Salvation; and Living the New Life.
Lesson 1 Thy Word Is Truth (The Bible as God's unique message to man)
Lesson 2 The Person of God (Evidence of the existence and personality of God)
Lesson 3 The Likeness of God (What God is like. His attributes)
Lesson 4 Understanding Man (His origin, purpose, responsibilty)
Lesson 5 The Problem of Sin (Definition, origin, and results)
Lesson 6 Considering Eternity (Two destinies of man. Life after death)
Lesson 7 Jesus the Messiah: God’s Provision (His coming foretold. His deity and humanity)
Lesson 8 The Meaning of the Cross (What Christ accomplished through His death and resurrection)
Lesson 9 The New Birth (Necessity, menas and results of "born again")
Lesson 10 Salvation by Grace (How to get to heaven without being religious)
Lesson 11 Believing on Jesus Christ (Meaning of real faith. Belief that makes a difference)
Lesson 12 Assurance of Salvation (How to be sure of eternal life)
Lesson 13 Living the New Life (Principles of Christian living)
Appendix A Terminology of Salvation (Explanation of Biblical terms)
Appendix B “God’s Answers to Man’s Questions” (Answers to basic issues of the Christian faith)
Appendix C “The Bridge to Life” (How to become a Christian)
For ages 16 to Adult
Pages: 106
Size: 217 x 280mm
ECS Ministries. 2006
Bible Version: mostly KJV, some RSV and NASB
Wednesday, 16 November 2011
Jungle Doctor on the Hop by Paul White
Click here to look inside the book
Summary: The Witchdoctor's magic appears to be working. A dozen people have already died, and many more are falling prey to this mysterious illness that is plaguing the village. What is this killer disease that is more powerful than an angry elephant, more terrifying than a mighty leopard, more deadly than a roaring lion? Will the Jungle doctor be able to fit together the pieces of the puzzle in time?
Message: Interwoven throughout the adventures and dramas of the book is the message of salvation through faith in Jesus Christ and the need to live for Him.
Other: Originally published in 1957 as the fifteenth book in the Jungle Doctor series. Reprinted (with some revisions) in 2007 but as #2 in the series - for anyone wanting to read the book in the original order this book is #15 (please note that the original book #14 Jungle Doctor Hunts Big Game has not been reprinted). Although part of a series each book can be read alone without getting lost.
Includes fact files on Paul White, Tanzania, and plague.
Reading level: Read to 7-9 years; Read myself 10-14
Pages: 149
Size: 129 x 198mm
Christian Focus Publications. 2007
Bible Version: some KJV and some paraphrases
Jungle Doctor Stings a Scorpion by Paul White
Click here to look inside the book
Summary: Yet again the Jungle Doctor has a battle to fight while trying to save people's lives. Infections and disease are defeated with medicine and good hygiene but Nje - the Witchdoctor cooks the stings of Scorpions in his evil potions. Instead of bringing health and joy to his patients he brings sickness, fear and even death. However the time comes when the Witchdoctor urgently needs the help of the Jungle Doctor himself. Nje's life depends on it.
Message: Interwoven throughout the adventures and dramas of the book is the message of salvation through faith in Jesus Christ and the need to live for Him.
Other: Originally published in 1955 as the thirteenth book in the Jungle Doctor series. Reprinted (with some revisions) in 2008 but as #11 in the series - for anyone wanting to read the book in the original order this book is #13. Although part of a series each book can be read alone without getting lost.
Includes fact files on Paul White, Tanzania, mumps and diptheria.
Reading level: Read to 7-9 years; Read myself 10-14
Pages: 159
Size: 129 x 198mm
Christian Focus Publications. 2008
Bible Version: NIV, some KJV
Jungle Doctor Goes West by Paul White
Click here to look inside the book
Summary: The Jungle Doctor becomes ill and can only recover by travelling to another part of Tanganika. His assistant, Mboga, tries to be helpful but often with rather amusing results. Mboga and many others hear the message of God's love and salvation through faith in Christ.
Message: Interwoven throughout the adventures and dramas of the book is the message of salvation through faith in Jesus Christ and the need to live for Him.
Other: Originally published in 1954 as the twelvth book in the Jungle Doctor series. Reprinted (with some revisions) in 2010 but as #17 in the series - for anyone wanting to read the book in the original order this book is #12. Although part of a series each book can be read alone without getting lost.
Includes fact files on Paul White, Tanzania, mumps, bilharzia, pneumonia, meningitis and malaria.
Reading level: Read to 7-9 years; Read myself 10-14
Pages: 171
Size: 129 x 198mm
Christian Focus Publications. 2010
Bible Version: NIV, some KJV
Sunday, 13 November 2011
Jungle Doctor Looks for Trouble by Paul White
Click here to look inside the book
Summary: The Jungle Doctor is in the thick of adventure and danger yet again. This time there is a vicious village to contend with and Simba, the hunter, has been stabbed. But with God’s help the Jungle Doctor and his medical team save lives, and not only that, they share the real life saving truth of Jesus Christ.
Message: Interwoven throughout the adventures and dramas of the book is the message of salvation through faith in Jesus Christ and the need to live for Him.
Other: Originally published in 1953 as the eleventh book in the Jungle Doctor series. Reprinted (with some revisions) in 2009 but as #13 in the series - for anyone wanting to read the book in the original order this book is #11. Although part of a series each book can be read alone without getting lost.
Includes fact files on Paul White, Tanzania, dysentery, and malaria.
Reading level: Read to 7-9 years; Read myself 10-14
Pages: 154
Size: 129 x 198mm
Christian Focus Publications. 2009
Bible Version: not KJV
Eyes on Jungle Doctor by Paul White
Summary: Ng'wagu who for years has lived in "Utitu" - "The Land of Darkness" - comes to the Jungle Hospital to see what Jungle Doctor could do for him with his "instruments of iron."
"Truly the Bwana has strong medicine for eyes," had said his friends. But Berenge, the witchdoctor had grown rich by his own brand of "strong medicine for eyes" - so strong that it meant almost certain blindness for his patients - and he is not letting Ng'wagu out of his clutches so easily.
The story tells how his evil deeds at length were thwarted, and how Ng'wagu found light, not only for his eyes, but also for his soul.
Message: Interwoven throughout the adventures and dramas of the book is the message of salvation through faith in Jesus Christ and the need to live for Him.
Other: Originally published in 1953 as the tenth book in the Jungle Doctor series. Reprinted (with some revisions) in 2008. Although part of a series each book can be read alone without getting lost.
Includes fact files on Paul White, Tanzania, dysentery, and malaria.
Reading level: Read to 7-9 years; Read myself 10-14
Pages: 158
Size: 129 x 198mm
Christian Focus Publications. 2008
Bible Version: not KJV
Saturday, 12 November 2011
Jungle Doctor and the Whirlwind by Paul White
Click here to look inside the book
Summary: There is a stranger in the hospital compound his pockets brimming with money; his clothes brighter than the sunset and Maradadi is as full of trouble as a scorpion. Will the staff be deceived by his charm and his smooth words of fame and fortune? As the Jungle Doctor fights an epidemic, that is sweeping the East African countryside like a whirlwind, he finds he must also fight the destructive influence of this evil intruder. Another thrilling adventure from Paul White based in Mvumi Hospital, Tanzania.
Message: Interwoven throughout the adventures and dramas of the book is the message of salvation through faith in Jesus Christ and the need to live for Him.
Other: Originally published in 1952 as the ninth book in the Jungle Doctor series. Reprinted (with some revisions) in 2007 but as #1 in the series - for anyone wanting to read the book in the original order this book is #9. Although part of a series each book can be read alone without getting lost.
Includes fact files on Paul White, Tanzania, dysentery, and malaria.
Reading level: Read to 7-9 years; Read myself 10-14
Pages: 166
Size: 129 x 198mm
Christian Focus Publications. 2007
Bible Version: not KJV
Jungle Doctor's Casebook by Paul White
Click here to look inside the book
Summary: Day after day disease and illness walk through the doors of the Mvumi hospital. A deaf man has his hearing completely restored; others have more serious illness. Abscesses, cataracts and burns all urgently require medical assistance. Even someone who needs spectacles or false teeth can be helped by the Jungle Doctor. But each arrival is more than just another 'patient' and each one goes into the Jungle Doctor's case book. Short stories, some funny, some sad, and some exciting, about different patients treated by Paul White and his team. Each patient hears something of the gospel and other lessons from God's Word
Message: Interwoven throughout the adventures and dramas of the book is the message of salvation through faith in Jesus Christ and the need to live for Him.
Other: Originally published in 1952 as the eighth book in the Jungle Doctor series. Reprinted (with some revisions) in 2010 but as #19 in the series - for anyone wanting to read the book in the original order this book is #8. Although part of a series each book can be read alone without getting lost.
Includes fact files on Paul White, Tanzania, meningitis, tetanus, malaria, typhoid fever, cholera, measles, and pneumonia.
Reading level: Read to 7-9 years; Read myself 10-14
Pages: 135
Size: 129 x 198mm
Christian Focus Publications. 2010
Bible Version: NIV, some KJV
Friday, 11 November 2011
Jungle Doctor to the Rescue by Paul White
Click here to look inside the book
Summary: There are dark and dangerous events afoot in Mvumi. The Jungle Doctor not only has to look out for the needs of his sick patients but he also has to keep an eye out for his staff. There is a poisoner on the loose and they are all in danger as Dawa, the witchdoctor, has vengeance on his mind. Simba and Perisi who both were treated for serious illnesses by the Jungle Doctor are now married and working in a village where evil abounds. As they work and witness for the Lord they come under persecution from the witchdoctor and his friends but with the Lord's help they stand strong and God is glorified.
Message: Interwoven throughout the adventures and dramas of the book is the message of salvation through faith in Jesus Christ and the need to live for Him.
Other: Originally published in 1951 as the seventh book in the Jungle Doctor series. Reprinted (with some revisions) in 2009 but as #15 in the series - for anyone wanting to read the book in the original order this book is #7. Although part of a series each book can be read alone without getting lost.
Includes fact files on Paul White, Tanzania, pleurisy, scabies, malaria, and pneumonia.
Reading level: Read to 7-9 years; Read myself 10-14
Pages: 153
Size: 129 x 198mm
Christian Focus Publications. 2009
Bible Version: NIV, some KJV
Thursday, 10 November 2011
Jungle Doctor Meets a Lion by Paul White
Summary: The smell of lion around the campfire warns the jungle Doctor of danger and when he comes across a trail of blood he fears are confirmed. Someone has been attacked by Simba, the Lion, and is in desperate need of medical treatment. While everyone in the village believes the injured man is as good as dead, the Jungle Doctor thinks differently. With some modern medicine, and quick thinking, the young lion hunter is saved from death. But there are other things that the injured hunter needs saving from - not just lions - and that 's what the mission hospital at Mvumi is all about - saving lives and souls. Throughout it all the Jungle Doctor and his staff know that God answers prayer!
This thrilling adventure by Paul White is based in Mvumi Hospital, Tanzania.
Message: Interwoven throughout the adventures and dramas of the book is the message of salvation through faith in Jesus Christ and the need to live for Him.
Other: Originally published in 1950 as the sixth book in the Jungle Doctor series. Reprinted (with some revisions) in 2008 but as #9 in the series - for anyone wanting to read the book in the original order this book is #6. Although part of a series each book can be read alone without getting lost.
Includes fact files on Paul White, Tanzania, and typhoid fever.
Reading level: Read to 7-9 years; Read myself 10-14
Pages: 153
Size: 129 x 198mm
Christian Focus Publications. 2008
Bible Version: NIV, some KJV
Also available in Spanish:
Size: 125 x 203mm.
141 pages.
Bible Truth Publishers
Autobiography/ biography,
Book - 12-15 years,
Book - 5-8 years,
Book - 8-12 years,
other languages
Wednesday, 9 November 2011
Jungle Doctor's Enemies by Paul White
Click here to look inside the book
Summary: Native drums beat an eerie rhythm through the darkness of the jungle. The blind boy Mubofu had been secretly bringing children from hostile Chief Chikoti's village to the hospital for treatment--but now the boy has mysteriously disappeared. Is this part of Chikoti's evil attack against the Doctor and his medicine? Will the Jungle Doctor prevail against the power of witchcraft? This thrilling adventure by Paul White is based in Mvumi Hospital, Tanzania.
Message: Interwoven throughout the adventures and dramas of the book is the message of salvation through faith in Jesus Christ and the need to live for Him.
Other: Originally published in 1948 as the fifth book in the Jungle Doctor series. Reprinted (with some revisions) in 2007 as #5 in the series. Although part of a series each book can be read alone without getting lost.
Includes fact files on Paul White, Tanzania, and vaccination.
Reading level: Read to 7-9 years; Read myself 10-14
Pages: 159
Size: 129 x 198mm
Christian Focus Publications. 2007
Bible Version: not KJV
Book - 12-15 years,
Book - 5-8 years,
Book - 8-12 years
Jungle Doctor Attacks Witchcraft by Paul White
Click here to look inside the book
Summary: A young boy, blinded by cataracts, is brought to the hospital for tratment. However, his mother, driven by fear relating to talk of witchcraft, removes him from the hospital, endangering the boy's recovery. Thus begins another encounter between the witchdoctors and the Jungle Doctor. Jungle Doctor teaches that their illnesses are caused by infection and parasites and not by curses and spells. They also learn that sin brings death and that there is only one way of breaking its power – the Lord Jesus Christ.
Message: Interwoven throughout the adventures and dramas of the book is the message of salvation through faith in Jesus Christ and the need to live for Him.
Other: Originally published in 1947 as the fourth book in the Jungle Doctor series. Reprinted (with some revisions) in 2009 but as #16 in the series - for anyone wanting to read the book in the original order this book is #4. Although part of a series each book can be read alone without getting lost.
Includes fact files on Paul White, Tanzania, meningitis, scabies, malaria and pneumonia.
Reading level: Read to 7-9 years; Read myself 10-14
Pages: 153
Size: 129 x 198mm
Christian Focus Publications. 2009
Bible Version: NIV, some KJV
Tuesday, 8 November 2011
Jungle Doctor Operates by Paul White
Click here to look inside the book
Summary: The Jungle Doctor has many challenges to deal with – for example running a surgical theater in the middle of the African Jungle. There are urgent operations to perform but they don’t have all the necessary tools. However, a soccer ball, an ancient foot pump and an empty pickle bottle provide, for virtually nothing, an anaesthetic machine which saves lives. But it’s not just patients that the Jungle Doctor has to help…this time he has to operate on himself.
Message: Interwoven throughout the adventures and dramas of the book is the message of salvation through faith in Jesus Christ and the need to live for Him.
Other: Originally published in 1944 as the third book in the Jungle Doctor series. Reprinted (with some revisions) in 2009 but as #14 in the series - for anyone wanting to read the book in the original order this book is #3. Although part of a series each book can be read alone without getting lost.
Includes fact files on Paul White, Tanzania, tuberculosis, pneumonia, leprosy and rheumatism.
Reading level: Read to 7-9 years; Read myself 10-14
Pages: 152
Size: 129 x 198mm
Christian Focus Publications. 2009
Bible Version: NIV, some KJV
Monday, 7 November 2011
Jungle Doctor on Safari by Paul White

Click here to look inside the book
Summary: Yet again the Jungle Doctor is in the thick of a battle for people's lives. There is so much that good medicine can do to tackle injuries and disease yet local customs and superstition are causing problems. So much so that the hospital staff are actually held back from saving a woman's life!
The doctors and nurses have to work in poor operating conditions, with very limited equipment and drugs, but despite everything other lives are saved! However, sometimes it seems that everything is going wrong: especially when the old hospital car continues to break down. When the car becomes past repair the only thing that Paul White can do is to pray that God will supply a more reliable vehicle. Throughout it all the Jungle Doctor and his staff know that God answers prayer!
Message: Interwoven throughout the adventures and dramas of the book is the message of salvation through faith in Jesus Christ and the need to live for Him.
Other: Originally published in 1943 as the second book in the Jungle Doctor series. Reprinted (with some revisions) in 2008 but as #8 in the series - for anyone wanting to read the book in the original order this book is #2. Although part of a series each book can be read alone without getting lost.
Includes fact files on Paul White, Tanzania, malaria, bilharzia, hookworm, tick fever, renal colic and meningitis.
Reading level: Read to 7-9 years; Read myself 10-14
Pages: 139
Size: 129 x 198mm
Christian Focus Publications. 2008
Bible Version: NIV, some KJV
Sunday, 6 November 2011
Jungle Doctor's Africa by Paul White
Summary: The continual stream of sick and injured patients coming to the Mvumi hospital in Tanzania never stops; they all need help from the Jungle Doctor and his team. Lions and hyenas are just two of the potential killers faced on a daily basis, but it is often the smallest creature of all that is the most deadly. The infamous little dudu carries the hidden but real danger of disease and infection. The Jungle Doctor and his team have their work cut out for them as they tackle meningitis, leprosy and other diseases. However, it's not all tragedy and trauma at Mvumi Mission Hospital. There is laughter and fun as well. It's just that very often in Africa each new day brings joy and sadness, love and loss - but with the love of Jesus Christ there is always hope.
Message: Interwoven throughout the adventures and dramas of the book is the message of salvation through faith in Jesus Christ and the need to live for Him.
Other: Originally published in 1942 as the first book in the Jungle Doctor series under the title of Jungle Doctor. Reprinted (with some revisions) in 2008 but as #7 in the series - for anyone wanting to read the book in the original order this book is #1. Although part of a series each book can be read alone without getting lost.
Includes fact files on Paul White, Tanzania, meningitis and leprosy.
Reading level: Read to 7-9 years; Read myself 10-14
Pages: 142
Size: 129 x 198mm
Christian Focus Publications. 2008
Bible Version: NIV, some KJV
Friday, 4 November 2011
My Bible Story Book by Carine Mackenzie
Summary: Everyone today wants to read more about adventures. You can pick up this book and read about adventures that happened in the real world to real people. These are adventures that happened to men and women, boys and girls who lived in Bible times, exciting times. These heroes and heroines are people just like you. They faced up to problems and danger with God's help. Perhaps they sometimes felt like giving up? But with God's strength they struggled on determined and brave. Read about these amazing people in the Bible and begin your own adventure with God. The Bible has every sort of adventure story you could ever dream of battles; death defying escapes; abandoned babies; heartmoving comebacks; giant slayers; incredible journeys and prison breakouts. Every one of them is true. Every one of them has been told for a reason. Every one of them is in God's Word. Some wise men followed a star and look what they found. Reading this book could help you discover Jesus too.
Other: No pictures of Jesus
Reading level: Read to 5-7 years; Read myself 7-9 years
Pages: 160
Size: 153 x 217mm
Christian Focus Publications
Bible Version: none
Bible stories,
Book - 5-8 years,
Book - 8-12 years
Jesus is Alive by Carine Mackenzie
Click here to look inside the book
Summary: The Easter story is one, which should be told throughout the whole year. Starting with Jesus' entry to Jerusalem, the sharing of the Lord's supper and the betrayal in the garden of Gethsemane, the story vividly portrays the pain of Jesus' death and the joy in His resurrection.You can read about this story in the Bible in Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.
Other: Bible Wise series. No pictures of Jesus
Reading level: Read to 5-6 years; Read myself 7-9 years
Pages: 24
Size: 148 x 210mm
Christian Focus Publications
Bible Version: none
Bible stories,
Book - 5-8 years,
Book - 8-12 years
Jesus the Promised Child by Carine Mackenzie
Click here to look inside the book
Summary: The shepherds were excited when they heard the news about the new born baby. Following the star, they made their way to Bethlehem, to find Jesus, the Saviour of the world.You can read about the birth of Jesus in the Bible in Luke chapters 1-2.
Other: Bible Wise series. No pictures of Jesus
Reading level: Read to 5-6 years; Read myself 7-9 years
Pages: 24
Size: 148 x 210mm
Christian Focus Publications
Bible Version: none
Bible stories,
Book - 5-8 years,
Book - 8-12 years
Jesus the Miracle Worker by Carine Mackenzie
Summary: This series goes through the key elements of the life of Jesus - his teachings, his miracles, the healings, the stories, the birth, death and resurrection. Excellent illustrations by Jeff Anderson capture the people and places of the time. Different angles and imaginative picture compositions take the child straight into the Bible story.
Jesus means so many things to different people... but He also was the Miracle Worker who calmed the storm, made water into wine and fed 5000 people with just a few loaves of bread and a couple of fish. The powerful Son of God not only did amazing things with bread and wine and waves - He changed lives.
Other: Bible Alive series. No pictures of Jesus
Reading level: Read to 4-6 years; Read myself 6-8 years
Size: 148 x 210mm
Christian Focus Publications
Bible Version: none
Bible stories,
Book - 5-8 years,
Book - Preschoolers
Jesus the Saviour by Carine Mackenzie
Summary: This series goes through the key elements of the life of Jesus - his teachings, his miracles, the healings, the stories, the birth, death and resurrection. Excellent illustrations by Jeff Anderson capture the people and places of the time. Different angles and imaginative picture compositions take the child straight into the Bible story.
Jesus means so many things to different people... but it is so wonderful that He can be our Saviour. He came as a child to Bethlehem but in the end He went to the cross to die. He died so that we can live. He died so that we can be forgiven. He died so that those who believe in Him will go to live with Him, in heaven, when they die. Jesus the Saviour died and came back to life to show us that those who love Him can look forward to spending forever with Him - because He is our wonderful Saviour.
Other: Bible Alive series. No pictures of Jesus
Reading level: Read to 4-6 years; Read myself 6-8 years
Size: 148 x 210mm
Christian Focus Publications
Bible Version: none
Bible stories,
Book - 5-8 years,
Book - Preschoolers
Jesus the Healer by Carine Mackenzie
Summary: This series goes through the key elements of the life of Jesus - his teachings, his miracles, the healings, the stories, the birth, death and resurrection. Excellent illustrations by Jeff Anderson capture the people and places of the time. Different angles and imaginative picture compositions take the child straight into the Bible story.
Jesus means so many things to different people... but He was known to many people as the one who healed lepers, made the lame walk and gave the blind back their sight. His amazing powers over death and sickness showed He was special...His power came from God, His Father. Jesus' power can make a difference to our lives. Ask Him to help you!
Other: Bible Alive series. No pictures of Jesus
Reading level: Read to 4-6 years; Read myself 6-8 years
Size: 148 x 210mm
Christian Focus Publications
Bible Version: none
Bible stories,
Book - 5-8 years,
Book - Preschoolers
Jesus the storyteller by Carine Mackenzie
Summary: This series goes through the key elements of the life of Jesus - his teachings, his miracles, the healings, the stories, the birth, death and resurrection. Excellent illustrations by Jeff Anderson capture the people and places of the time. Different angles and imaginative picture compositions take the child straight into the Bible story.
Jesus means so many things to different people... but He also was a great storyteller. Jesus would gather the people around Him and tell them wonderful truths about God. He told them about loving God was and how He hated all sin. But Jesus also told them how to become children of God. The storyteller told the truth... and He tells it to us. We must believe Him.
Other: Bible Alive series. No pictures of Jesus
Reading level: Read to 4-6 years; Read myself 6-8 years
Size: 148 x 210mm
Christian Focus Publications
Bible Version: none
Bible stories,
Book - 5-8 years,
Book - Preschoolers
Jesus the Teacher by Carine Mackenzie
Summary: This series goes through the key elements of the life of Jesus - his teachings, his miracles, the healings, the stories, the birth, death and resurrection. Excellent illustrations by Jeff Anderson capture the people and places of the time. Different angles and imaginative picture compositions take the child straight into the Bible story.
Jesus means so much to different people...but he is also a teacher because he helps us to understand the wonderful truth about God his father. He taught people that God wants us to obey him and love him and that he loves us. Jesus taught about forgiveness and he teaches us that we can be forgiven too if we ask God.
Other: Bible Alive series. No pictures of Jesus
Reading level: Read to 4-6 years; Read myself 6-8 years
Size: 148 x 210mm
Christian Focus Publications
Bible Version: none
Bible stories,
Book - 5-8 years,
Book - Preschoolers
Jesus the Child by Carine Mackenzie
Click here to look inside the book
Summary: This series goes through the key elements of the life of Jesus - his teachings, his miracles, the healings, the stories, the birth, death and resurrection. Excellent illustrations by Jeff Anderson capture the people and places of the time. Different angles and imaginative picture compositions take the child straight into the Bible story. Be in the middle of the crowd, look in through the Stable door, watch from the roof of a Bethlehem house as the shepherds run through the town telling everyone they meet that The Saviour of the World has been born!
Other: Bible Alive series.
Reading level: Read to 4-6 years; Read myself 6-8 years
Size: 148 x 210mm
Christian Focus Publications
Bible Version: none
Summary: This series goes through the key elements of the life of Jesus - his teachings, his miracles, the healings, the stories, the birth, death and resurrection. Excellent illustrations by Jeff Anderson capture the people and places of the time. Different angles and imaginative picture compositions take the child straight into the Bible story. Be in the middle of the crowd, look in through the Stable door, watch from the roof of a Bethlehem house as the shepherds run through the town telling everyone they meet that The Saviour of the World has been born!
Other: Bible Alive series.
Reading level: Read to 4-6 years; Read myself 6-8 years
Size: 148 x 210mm
Christian Focus Publications
Bible Version: none
Bible stories,
Book - 5-8 years,
Book - Preschoolers
Jesus: the Real Story by Carine Mackenzie
Click here to look inside the book
Summary: Stories from the Lord Jesus' life while He was on earth retold accurately.
Full-colour illustrations - the Lord Jesus is not pictured.
Other: This book is 6 books in one - Jesus the Child, Jesus the Healer, Jesus the miracle worker, Jesus the teacher, Jesus the story-teller and Jesus the Saviour from the Bible Alive series.
Reading level: Read to 4-6 years; Read myself 6-8 years
Pages: 148
Size: 153 x 216mm
Christian Focus Publications. 2004
Bible Version: paraphrase
Bible stories,
Book - 5-8 years,
Book - Preschoolers
The Christian Focus Story Bible by Carine Mackenzie
Summary: The Bible is full of wonderful stories but the most important story is the amazing truth about God's Son, Jesus, His birth, death and resurrection. In this book many stories are retold from God's Word for children.
Features include: A section that explains about the character and person of God and Jesus Christ in each story; read by myself lines ideal for a new or developing reader; reading tips for adults on how to develop a joy of reading God's Word with their child.
Full colour illustrations.
Large print.
Reading level: Read to 4-6 years; Read myself 6-8 years
Pages: 160
Size: 225 x 227mm
Christian Focus Publications. 2004
Bible Version: none
Bible stories,
Book - 5-8 years,
Book - Preschoolers
God's Miracle - a Frog by Rebecca Newswanger
I hear a rumble far away,
"Oh, Mother, will it rain today?"
My mother smiles and answers me,
"I really hope; we'll wait and see."
The garden's dry and needing rain,
So all the plants can grow again.
The sky grows black, and blacker still;
I see dark clouds behind the hill.
Summary: Detailed pencil drawings illustrate the simple rhyming story of the life cycle of a frog. God planned it all, from laying eggs to leaping frogs.
Other: The fifth book in the God’s Miracle series.
Reading level: Read to 3-5; Read myself 6-7
Pages: 24
Size: 152 x 210mm
Christian Light Publications. 2011
Bible Version: none
Book - 5-8 years,
Book - Preschoolers,
Mario and His Friends by Elizabeth Wagler
Click here to look inside the book
Summary: Mario is back! This time he joins his Belizean friends to peddle pig meat, chase armadillos, and learn how to use a machete like a man. Action and excitement. That's what little boys like. But can they learn the virtues of patience, compassion, and kindness? Mario does as he starts school and turns 6 years old.
Other: Illustrations of women show Mennonite headcoverings.
Reading level: Read to 4-5 years; Read myself 6-7 years.
Pages: 75
Size: 170 x 200mm
Christian Light Publications. 2009
Bible Version: KJV
Also available as an audiobook (1 CD):

This audiobook also has Mario, a Belizean Boy, recorded on it.
Book - 5-8 years,
Book - Preschoolers
Mario, a Belizean Boy by Elizabeth Wagler
Click here to look inside the book
Summary: Mario eats tortillas and delicious peccary soup. He bathes in the river where his father catches fish and his mother washes clothes. Mario's parents read the Bible and pray and teach him right and wrong. At night, Mario knows that far above the thatched roof of their house, far above the twinkling stars, God in Heaven sees him in his little wooden bed. This delightful story introduces life in Belize with four-year-old Mario and his family.
Other: Illustrations of women show Mennonite headcoverings.
Reading level: Read to 3-5 years; Read myself 6-7 years.
Pages: 49
Size: 170 x 200mm
Christian Light Publications. 2004
Bible Version: KJV
Also available as an audiobook (1 CD):
This audiobook also has the sequel to Mario, a Belizean Boy, recorded on it. See Mario and His Friends.
Book - 5-8 years,
Book - Preschoolers
Tuesday, 1 November 2011
Not Alone: Encouragement for Senior Saints by Harold P Barker
Click here to look inside the pamphlet
Summary: God's great tenderness in carrying us through the rough places of life can be a great cheer to anyone but perhaps especially to seniors. Spiritual freshness and joy delight the soul that rests in Him and serves Him in prayer and kindness to others. However we are all warned by some who drifted away from God and dishonoured Him in their old age.
Large print
Pages: 17
Size: 140 x 217mm
Bible Truth Publishers
Bible Version: KJV
Bible teaching,
large print
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