
Wednesday 5 September 2018

Plush Puppy Bible Cover

Fits most kids' Bibles including the Discoverer's Bible.
Convenient spine handle and wrap zipper. Puppy design with floppy ears and even a tail on the back! Lined inside with pencil loops.
Fits Bibles up to 16.5 x 23.5 x 4.4cm

I Just Couldn't Help Myself

Full text of gospel tract:

“I just couldn’t help myself; that bud smelled sooooo good,” said David Allen Thompson as he was booked in the small Pennsylvania town of Charleroi. The list of charges looks pretty nasty …
– theft by unlawful taking,
– receiving stolen property,
– tampering with/fabricating physical evidence,
– possession of a small amount of marijuana.
So where did 27-year-old David get his marijuana stash? From the desk of Officer David Kimball at the Charleroi Regional Police station. David Thompson had dropped by of his own free will to do the good deed of telling the police where they could find some real criminals. In the process, he noticed an evidence bag of “weed” sitting on the officer’s desk for a case that he was writing up. While the officer was distracted, he slipped it into his pocket.
When Officer Kimball couldn’t find the bag, he headed outside the police station hunting for David. Within five minutes, Kimball spotted him walking by. Upon being asked, “What did you do with the weed?” David dropped the baggie back into Officer Kimball’s hands.
Inside the station while he was being booked, David said, “Man, I’m guilty. Can’t you just give me a fine or something?”
Before you stop shaking your head and wondering about David’s IQ, answer this little questionnaire for yourself:
– Are there any big criminals out there that you’d be happy for God to take care of?
– Do some sins sound soooo good that a little bit once in a while is irresistible for a mere human?
– Do you tell God the size His “fine” should be?
Remember, “a just weight and balance are the Lord’s” (Proverbs 16:11). He’ll do a perfect job of examining our “rap sheets.” Will it be wiped clean by the blood of Christ, or will it require you to answer for yourself for what you yourself have to say “Man, I’m guilty” about?
– “The thought of foolishness is sin” (Proverbs 24:9).
– “Whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart” (Matthew 5:28).
– “Whosoever is angry with his brother without a cause shall be in danger of the judgment” (Matthew 5:22).
While God takes sin very seriously, He’s also made a perfect provision for any who wish to have their “sin charges” cleared from His official record. Here’s one way that He expresses it: “The wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord” (Romans 6:23). Societies adjust the penalties for crimes with plea bargains, reduced sentences, adjusting the legal penalties, and clemency programs. All of this helps deal with overburdened criminal justice systems that can’t handle court backlogs and prison costs. Certain actions, such as some marijuana sales, are even decriminalized. God never needs to adjust His standard to accommodate unforeseen problems or because He isn’t able to deal with the flood of sin. Instead, He carried out the maximum penalty against sin on the cross of Calvary when Jesus Christ suffered to put away sin. Now God offers free pardon — and so much more — to any who receive His free gift. But the offer is only on His terms. It is never a negotiated settlement. He says, “Repent … and believe the gospel” (Mark 1:15), not “do your best and I’ll let you off the hook.” Will you say, “I’m guilty as charged and I just can’t help myself. Thank You for your free gift of undeserved eternal life”? Or, “I just couldn’t help myself last time, but now I want to try and be better next time”? Only one of those two is acceptable to God.

Gospel tract.
Pages: 4
Size: 89 x 139mm
Bible Truth Publishers

Pack quantity: 100


Bible Version: KJV

To purchase: No minimum quantities on any tract purchase so single copies or whatever is required may be ordered. Pack quantities are given for those who want to purchase a complete pack.

Not Just Ancient History

Full text of gospel tract:

The historical evidence for Jesus is long-established. Within decades of His life, He is mentioned by Jewish and Roman historians, as well as by many Christian writings. Compare that with, for example, King Arthur, who “maybe” lived around 500 A.D. The sources for events of that time do not even mention Arthur. He is first referred to only 300 or 400 years later. The evidence for Jesus is not “folklore.”
The Christian writings are evidence that is early and detailed. There are early writings by the Apostle Paul, and scholars agree that these were written within about 25 years of Jesus’ death. The detailed biographical accounts of Jesus in the Gospels date from around 40 years after He died. These all appeared within the lifetimes of numerous eyewitnesses and provide descriptions that agree with the culture and geography of first-century Palestine.
The first non-Christian author to mention Jesus is the Jewish historian Josephus, who wrote a history of Judaism around 93 A.D. He has two references to Jesus. One of these is controversial because it is thought to be edited by Christian scribes, but the other is not suspicious — a reference to James, the brother of “Jesus, the so-called Christ.”
About 20 years later we have the significant Roman high officials, Pliny and Tacitus, who ruled at the beginning of the second century A.D. Their reports fit with the time frame of the Gospels and we learn that Jesus was executed while Pontius Pilate was the governor and that the Christians worshipped Christ as “a god.”
These abundant and significant historical references by various writers leave us with little reasonable doubt that Jesus lived and died. But another important consideration is that Jesus died and LIVES.
The Bible says that because He lives, “He is able also to save them to the uttermost [completely] that come unto God by Him” (Hebrews 7:25). He knows your situation, your sins and your attempts to break free. He’s not shocked, surprised or repulsed by anything about you. “All things are naked and opened unto the eyes of Him with whom we have to do” (Hebrews 4:13). But just like a doctor that scans a patient to expose a cancerous tumor, God exposes our sin so that we will run to Him for treatment to have it removed. “The blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanseth us from all sin” (1 John 1:7).
Only God is able to save you, to change your life. And He does this from the inside out. He can cleanse your heart, bring forgiveness to your soul, and put a song in your mouth. He promises to be with us forever. He says, “I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee” (Hebrews 13:5). Those aren’t the words of a long-dead historical figure, a mere inspiring example or a religious dogma. They speak to you at this moment about a living person, Jesus Christ, who wants you to come to Him today to begin a living relationship.
But meeting Jesus Christ face to face isn’t just an optional appointment, a mere bonus upgrade to life on earth. Everyone will meet Him. Some do it in this life and begin a personal relationship with Him as their Savior and friend. But here’s another important part of His message: God “commandeth all men everywhere to repent: because He hath appointed a day, in the which He will judge the world in righteousness by that man whom He hath ordained; whereof He hath given assurance unto all men, in that He hath raised Him from the dead” (Acts 17:3031).

Gospel tract.
Pages: 4
Size: 89 x 139mm
Bible Truth Publishers

Pack quantity: 100


Bible Version: KJV

To purchase: No minimum quantities on any tract purchase so single copies or whatever is required may be ordered. Pack quantities are given for those who want to purchase a complete pack.

In Search of Truth by Josh McDowell

This tract tells Josh McDowell’s personal story of examining the claims of Christianity and finding his life transformed by a newfound faith in Christ.

Full Text of gospel tract:
Few people have been more sincere than I in trying— without success—to find meaning, truth, and purpose in life.
At the university I noticed a small group of people—eight students and two faculty members—who seemed different. They seemed to know what they believed and why. I wanted what I saw.
Two weeks later, while I was sitting with some of them in the student union, the conversation turned to God. That bothered me, because I thought it was not intellectual. And yet I was curious.
Leaning back in my chair, I said to one of the students, “Tell me, what has made you so different from others?”
She looked me in the eye with a little smile and said, “Jesus Christ!”
My response revealed my bias and my ignorance. “Oh, for heaven’s sake,” I said. “Don’t give me that garbage about religion!”
She replied, “I didn’t say ‘religion.’ I said ‘Jesus Christ.’”
My new friends challenged me to examine the claims of Christ. I thought most Christians were idiots. But these people were persistent. Finally, I accepted their challenge, but I did so out of pride, to refute them.
One of the claims I researched was Christ’s resurrection. And after more than one thousand hours of study, I concluded that the resurrection of Jesus Christ was either one of the most vicious hoaxes ever foisted upon human minds or the most fantastic fact of history.
Jesus of Nazareth, a Jewish prophet, claimed to be the Christ prophesied in the Jewish Scriptures. He was arrested, judged a political criminal, and crucified. Three days after his death and burial, some women went to his tomb and found his body gone. His disciples claimed that God had raised him from the dead and that he had appeared to them and to many others at various times before ascending into heaven.
In my attempt to refute Christianity, I made some startling observations. Until then, I’d had no idea there was so much historical, literary, and legal testimony supporting the factuality of Christ’s resurrection. But the more I investigated, the more evidence I found, including Jesus’s foretelling of his resurrection.
Prior to his death, he took his disciples aside and told them that he would be condemned to death and handed over to the Romans who would mock him and spit on him, flog him, and kill him. And three days later he would rise from the dead (Mark 10:33–34).
The more I studied the Christian faith, the more I realized it is a thinking person’s faith. As Jesus said, “You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free” (John 8:32).
Having set out to refute the resurrection and Christianity, and then having been compelled by the evidence to believe that Jesus Christ was indeed exactly who he claimed to be, I faced a new problem. My mind was saying, “Christianity is true,” but my will was saying, “Don’t admit it!”
It came to the point where I couldn’t sleep at night. I knew I had to get Jesus off my mind or go out of my mind. Finally, on December 19, 1959, at 8:30 p.m., I became a Christian.
I prayed four things that night to establish a relationship with the resurrected, living Christ who has since transformed my life. First, I said, “Lord Jesus, thank you for dying on the cross for me.” Second, I said, “I confess there are things in my life that are not pleasing to you. I ask you to forgive and cleanse me.” (The Bible says, “Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow,” Isaiah 1:18.) Third, I said, “Right now, in the best way I know how, I open the door of my heart and life, and I trust you as my Savior and Lord. Thank you for coming into my life by faith.”
After I prayed, nothing happened. There was no bolt of lightning. I even said to myself, “Oh, no! What’d I get sucked into now?” I felt I’d gone off the deep end. And some of my friends agreed. But I can tell you now that in the months following, I found that I had not gone off the deep end. For one thing, I had finally found mental peace. I had also found control of my temper. And old hatreds were gradually turning to love.
You can laugh at Christianity; you can mock and ridicule it. But it changes lives. Christianity cannot be forced on anyone. All I can do is tell you what I’ve learned. Beyond that, it’s your decision.
Christ was raised from the dead. He lives. He has the infinite capacity to enter your life, forgive you, and change you from the inside out.
Adapted from The Resurrection Factor, published by Here’s Life Publishers, San Bernardino, California.  Reprinted by permission of Campus Crusade for Christ.

Gospel tract.
Pages: 4
Size: 90 x 136mm
Good News Publishers.
Pack quantity: 25

Bible Version: ESV

To purchase: No minimum quantities on any tract purchase so single copies or whatever is required may be ordered. Pack quantities are given for those who want to purchase a complete pack.



A collection of military-oriented gospel stories with a camouflage pattern full-color cover.
90 pages.
9.5 x 14cm
Print size: 10 point  
Bible Truth Publishers.
Bible Version: KJV

Be Sure: The Gospel of John & The Book of Romans

God's Son and God's Work in God's Words, paragraph style text with superscript verse numbers. Includes a glossary.

88 pages.
9.5 x 14cm
Print size: 6 point  
Bible Version: KJV

Little Pilgrim's Progress by Helen L Taylor

Fifty-five years ago, Helen L. Taylor took John Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress and simplified the vocabulary and concepts for young readers, while keeping the storyline intact. The result was a classic in itself, which has now sold over 600,000 copies. It's both a simple adventure story and a profound allegory of the Christian journey through life, a delightful read with a message kids ages 6 to 12 can understand and remember. A new look and fresh illustrations for today's children enlivens the journey to the Celestial City.

Black and white line drawings every chapter.

Reading level: 8-12 years
323 pages
Size: 140 x 217mm
Moody Publishers
Bible Version: KJV

Also available as unabridged audiobook.
6.2 hours  (5 CDs)