
Friday 29 July 2016

Timeless Treasures Memory Book

30 choice verses from Psalm 119 to "hide" in your heart, that you may not sin against God.
"Oh, how I love Your law! It is my meditation all the day" (Psa. 119:97). Memorizing these 30 verses from Psalm 119 over fifteen weeks will encourage your heart's love for God's word.
15 assignments.
72 pages.
Size: 8.7 x 14.6cm
Level: Adult
Scripture Memory Fellowship
Bible Version: KJV
* For more information visit Scripture Memory Fellowship System

Thirty Nine Scriptures to Live By Memory Book

Memorize three verses a week on basic subjects such as "Love," "Peace," "Light," "Joy," and nine more. Verses chosen by memorizers just like you.

13 assignments.
42 pages.
Size: 8.7 x 14.6cm
Level: Adult
Scripture Memory Fellowship
Bible Version: choose between KJV or NKJV
* For more information visit Scripture Memory Fellowship System

The Works of Faith Memory Book

Commit 46 verses from James to memory.
"I will show you my faith by my works" (James 2:18). The Works of Faith, the fifth memory book of the Bible Book Adult series, offers 46 choice verses from this New Testament goldmine. Each of the fifteen assignments contains two to three verses (contains KJV, NKJV, and NIV translations, with the memorizer choosing which version to memorize throughout), with a brief commentary and explanation for each verse.

15 assignments.
48 pages.
Size: 8.7 x 14.6cm
Level: Adult
Scripture Memory Fellowship
Bible Version: includes KJV and NKJV and NIV84
* For more information visit Scripture Memory Fellowship System

Joy in the Lord Memory Book

Learn 40 key verses on the joy available in Christ from the book of Philippians!
Joy in the Lord, the third memory book of the Bible Book Adult series, shows from the book of Philippians the joys that a Christian has in Christ. Each of the fifteen assignments contains two to three verses (KJV with changes to NKJV in parentheses), with a deep, thoughtful commentary and explanation for each assignment and verse.
15 assignments.
36 pages.
Size: 8.7 x 14.6cm
Level: Adult
Scripture Memory Fellowship
Bible Version: includes KJV and NKJV
* For more information visit Scripture Memory Fellowship System

Praise Memory Book

 Study 35 verses on why and how to praise the Living God.
"Whoever offers praise glorifies Me, and to him who orders his conduct aright, I will show the salvation of God" (Psa. 50:23). Praise, the fifth memory book of the Beginner Adult series, presents the principles and practice of rendering to God the glory due His name. Each of the fifteen assignments contains two to three verses, with a brief commentary and explanation for each assignment and verse. The Beginner Adult books also have two pages of review exercises after each assignment to aid in memory and Bible study.

15 assignments.
64 pages.
Size: 8.7 x 14.6cm
Level: Adult
Scripture Memory Fellowship
Bible Version: choose either KJV or NKJV
* For more information visit Scripture Memory Fellowship System

Promises Memory Book

Line the walls of your heart with 33 precious promises from God's word!

"By which have been given to us exceedingly great and precious promises . . ." (2 Pet. 1:4). Promises, the fourth memory book of the Beginner Adult series, encourages memorizers to write checks from the "Bank of Faith" endowed with all God's promises! Each of the fifteen assignments contains two to three verses, with thoughtful commentary and explanation for each assignment and verse. The Beginner Adult books also have two pages of review exercises after each assignment to aid in memory and Bible study.
15 assignments.
64 pages.
Size: 8.7 x 14.6cm
Level: Adult
Scripture Memory Fellowship
Bible Version: choose either KJV or NKJV
* For more information visit Scripture Memory Fellowship System

Power Memory Book

Memorize 37 verses on the acquisition and application of power from God.
"His divine power has given to us all things that pertain to life and godliness" (2 Pet. 1:3). Power, the third memory book of the Beginner Adult series, gives the biblical view of how God's power comes to bear in believers' lives. Each of the fifteen assignments contains two to three verses, with a deep, thoughtful commentary and explanation for each assignment and verse. The Beginner Adult books also have two pages of review exercises after each assignment to aid in memory and Bible study.
15 assignments.
64 pages.
Size: 8.7 x 14.6cm
Level: Adult
Scripture Memory Fellowship
Bible Version: NKJV
* For more information visit Scripture Memory Fellowship System

Prayer Memory Book

Learn to pray better using these 41 verses on the preparation, purpose, and practice of prayer.
"Pray without ceasing" (1 Thess. 5:17). Prayer, the second memory book of the Beginner Adult series, teaches powerful lessons about when and how to pray in a meaningful communion with God. Each of the fifteen assignments contains two to three verses, with a deep, thoughtful commentary and explanation for each assignment and verse.

15 assignments.
64 pages.
Size: 8.7 x 14.6cm
Level: Adult
Scripture Memory Fellowship
Bible Version: choose either KJV or NKJV
* For more information visit Scripture Memory Fellowship System

Peace Memory Book

"Therefore, having been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ," (Rom. 5:1). This first book of the Beginner Adult series is a great place to begin for new adult memorizers. Commit to memory verses that explain the absence of peace as well as the provision and blessing of peace. These thirty verses are arranged in 15 weekly assignments and include study questions and "prompterizing" letters (first letter of each word as a memory aid).

 15 assignments.
64 pages.
Size: 8.7 x 14.6cm
Level: Adult
Scripture Memory Fellowship
Bible Version: choose either KJV or NKJV
* For more information visit Scripture Memory Fellowship System

Thursday 28 July 2016

The Everlasting Springs Memory Book

"The singers . . . say, 'All my springs are in You'" (Psa 87:7). The Everlasting Springs, the fifth memory book of the college series (ages 18-25), contains 12 topical collections of verses from psalms. Tune the strings of your own praise and worship with this beautiful collection of inspired poetry. Each of the twelve assignments contains eight verses (KJV only), all from the book of Psalms, with a deeper, college level appropriate commentary and explanation for each assignment and verse.

12 assignments.
80 pages.
Size: 8.7 x 14.6cm
Level: 18-25 years
Scripture Memory Fellowship
Bible Version: KJV
* For more information visit Scripture Memory Fellowship System

The Everlasting Wisdom Memory Book

"For the LORD gives wisdom, from His mouth come knowledge and understanding" (Prov. 2:6). The Everlasting Wisdom, the fourth memory book of the Collegiate series (ages 18-25), gives 8 verses each on 12 subjects necessary for skillful living, such as Friendship, Speech, and Money. Each of the twelve assignments contains eight verses, all from the book of Proverbs, with a deeper, college level appropriate commentary and explanation for each assignment and verse.

12 assignments.
84 pages.
Size: 8.7 x 14.6cm
Level: 18-25 years
Scripture Memory Fellowship
Bible Version: KJV
* For more information visit Scripture Memory Fellowship System

The Everlasting Life Memory Book

" . . . His command is everlasting life" (John 12:50). The Everlasting Life, the third memory book of the college series, teaches the memorizer Scriptural doctrines about our new life in Christ. Each of the twelve assignments contains eight verses, with a deeper, college level appropriate commentary and explanation for each assignment and verse.

12 assignments.
84 pages.
Size: 8.7 x 14.6cm
Level: 18-25 years
Scripture Memory Fellowship
Bible Version: KJV
* For more information visit Scripture Memory Fellowship System

The Everlasting God Memory Book

". . . From everlasting to everlasting, You are God" (Psalm 90:2). The Everlasting God, the first memory book of the college series (ages 18-25), grounds the believer in Scripture describing the character and attributes of God. Each of the twelve assignments contains eight verses (KJV only), with a deeper, college level appropriate commentary and explanation for each assignment and verse.

12 assignments.
80 pages.
Size: 8.7 x 14.6cm
Level: 18-25 years
Scripture Memory Fellowship
Bible Version: KJV
* For more information visit Scripture Memory Fellowship System

Attainments in the Christian Life Memory Book

"I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus" (Phil. 3:14). Attainments in the Christian Life, the fifth memory book of the high school series (ages 13-19), explains sanctification and growing in Christ. Each of the twelve assignments contains twelve verses  with commentary and explanation for each verse.
12 assignments.
Black & white illustrations throughout.
72 pages.
Size: 8.7 x 14.6cm
Level: Grades 9-12
Scripture Memory Fellowship
Bible Version: KJV
* For more information visit Scripture Memory Fellowship System

Enrichments in the Christian Life Memory Book

"Abide in Me, and I in you, as the branch cannot bear fruit of itself unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in Me" (John 15:6). Enrichments in the Christian Life, the fourth memory book of the high school series (ages 13-19), teaches practices and truths to apply that will deepen and enrich your Christian walk. Each of the twelve assignments contains 12-16 verses, with insightful commentary and explanation for each verse.

12 assignments.
Black & white illustrations throughout.
80 pages.
Size: 8.7 x 14.6cm
Level: Grades 9-12
Scripture Memory Fellowship
Bible Version: KJV
* For more information visit Scripture Memory Fellowship System

New Realities in the Christian Life Memory Book

"Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new" (2 Cor. 5:17). When Jesus Christ saves a person, many changes come. This third memory book of the high school series takes up the wonderful realities of "Our New Nature," "Our New Friendships," "Our New Affections," "Our New Standing" and others. Each of the twelve assignments contains nine verses with commentary and explanation for each verse.
12 assignments.
Black & white illustrations throughout.
84 pages.
Size: 8.7 x 14.6cm
Level: Grades 9-12
Scripture Memory Fellowship
Bible Version: includes KJV & NKJV
* For more information visit Scripture Memory Fellowship System

Foundation of the Christian Life Memory Book

"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." With these eloquent words the foundation of the Christian life is revealed to be the Lord Jesus Christ. This first memory book of the high school series was the first ever made in our ministry and teaches 108 verses on the Person and work of Christ, mostly from the book of John. Designed for young people and adults, high school age and above, this treasured collection includes assignments of nine verses from John's timeless prologue, Jesus' conversations with Nicodemus and the woman at the well, the Bread of Life, Good Shepherd, and Upper Room discourses, as well as the accounts of the cross and resurrection. Commentary on the verses included.

12 assignments.
Black & white illustrations throughout.
96 pages.
Size: 8.7 x 14.6cm
Level: Grades 9-12
Scripture Memory Fellowship
Bible Version: includes KJV & NKJV
* For more information visit Scripture Memory Fellowship System

God Loves Us Text Cards for Memory

Want to memorise verses in a class setting but can’t afford to buy each student a memory book? These text cards are a great way to send each child home with their memory verse to learn. They can be use in conjunction with the God Loves Us Memory Book or independently as a Scripture memorisation aid.

Sheet of 24 texts. Illustrated.

Age level: 4 to 12 years.
Size: 21 x 29.7cm
Grace Hope & Love Gifts & Greetings
Bible Version: KJV or NKJV (please specify)
Also available in Fijian



Tuesday 26 July 2016

To My Muslim Friends by A.M. Behnam

A booklet for Muslims, which talks about some critical questions between Islam and Jesus Christ
Written by an Egyptian Christian who had many Muslims friends over the years. The author has a winning, non-abrasive way of writing. This volume describes in a clear and friendly manner the main biblical doctrines that are often misunderstood or seem to be blasphemy to the sincere Muslim. Three main topics are discussed: the Bible, the Crucifixion, and the Trinity. This booklet will be an invaluable tool for anyone interested in reaching Muslim contacts with the truth of God.

41 pages.
Overcomer Press
Bible Version: NASB

Also available in Arabic, Farsi (Persian) and Turkish:

Wednesday 20 July 2016

Strong in the Lord Pen & Bookmark Set

Strong in the Lord bookmark and pen set with floral motif. Bookmark and pen feature Bible verse from 2 Samuel 22:33, God is my strength and power. The bookmark has the following words on the back:
God's strength is to be found not in a place, but in a Person - in Christ our Lord. Wherever Jesus is, his people are safe:
  • High atop a mountain
  • Bobbing on a vast ocean
  • Sitting in an office or at a workbench
  • Lying under a car, wielding a wrench
No matter where life takes you, your Father will guide and keep you - in the cross of his Son.

Bookmark is 3.8 x 15.2cm (1.5" x 6"); pen is 14cm (5.5") long with black ink.
Packaged in an acrylic box with silver bow for a ready-to-give gift.

Bouquet of Blessings Pen & Bookmark Set

Bouquet of Blessings bookmark and pen set with floral motif. Bookmark and pen feature Bible verse from Psalm 103:2, Bless the Lord, O my soul and forget not all his benefits. The bookmark has the following words on the back:
Bow-kay? or boo-kay? No matter how you say it or why you receive it, a bouquet is personal. Blessings from God are personal too - sent straight from heaven just for you! The fragrance of our Lord's great bouquet of blessings wafts into ever corner of our lives. In Christ and his cross, we receive grace and forgiveness, peace and the strength to live our lives in true joy.
Bookmark is 3.8 x 15.2cm (1.5" x 6"); pen is 14cm (5.5") long with black ink.
Packaged in an acrylic box with silver bow for a ready-to-give gift.

Bird & Flowers Wooden Stick Umbrella

Motto: This is the day that the Lord has made. Rejoice in it. Psalm 118:24
Flowers and birds design umbrella has an automatic pop-up opening mechanism, weather-resistant, polyester fabric, wood "J" handle and shaft, 8 panels, and velcro strap closure. 116.8cm  (46") open diameter x 88.9cm (35") length

Trust in the Lord Keyring

Verse: Trust in the Lord with all your heart. Proverb 3:5-6
Size: 4.5cm diameter
Universal Designs

Bible Verse Talking Keychain

Audio key chains with an image convey an inspirational Bible passage. Simply push the button and to hear an inspirational Bible verse come to life.

#GIF0161 The Word / John 1:1
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

Holy Bible / Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the plans that I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
Size: 52 x 52mm

Pass It On Gift Key Chain

A Pass-It-On message card in this frame makes a great gift.
Clear acrylic frame with keyring.
Size: 5 x 7.6cm (2" x 3")

Aaron's Blessing Pewter Keychain

This Aaronic Blessing Key Chain is a smaller replica of the 5th Century BCE scroll with Hebrew on one side and the English translation on the other side of Numbers 6:24 - 26: The Lord bless you and keep you. The Lord cause His face to shine upon you and be gracious unto you. The Lord turn His face toward you and give you peace.
Size: 3.5 x 6.4cm

LED Solar Flashlight Keychain

Handy blue keychain flashlight includes LED light bulb, and they're solar powered so you'll never need to change a battery.
Motto: Let your light so shine.

Strong in the Lord Screwdriver Keychain Gift Set

4-in-1 micro screwdriver includes a flathead, a Phillips and two small hex sockets. Great for eyeglasses and other micro repairs. Keep it handy with the attached key ring. Also included is a pocket-sized laminated card with the Bible verse God is my strength and power. 2 Samuel 22:33. On the back of the card are the encouraging words: God's strength is to be found not in a place, but in a person - in Christ our Lord. No matter where life takes you, your Father will guide and keep you - in the cross of his Son.
Hand out on Father's Day, at men's ministries events, Bible study groups, and more!
Micro screwdriver is 6.4cm (2-1/2") long. Includes 2 hex sockets, a Phillips, and a flathead screwdriver. Pocket card measures 6 x 8.9cm (2-3/8" x 3-1/2").
Bible Version:
King James Version

Birthday Balloons Luncheon Napkins

Birthday celebration lunch napkins feature full colour printing. Each napkin is printed on 3-ply paper with 20 napkins per package. Napkins measure 33 x 33cm (13" x 13") unfolded. 
Motto: Happy Birthday. The Lord bless you and keep you. Numbers 6:24
Divinity Boutique

Birthday Train Luncheon Napkins

Birthday celebration lunch napkins feature full colour printing. Each napkin is printed on 3-ply paper with 20 napkins per package. Napkins measure 33 x 33cm (13" x 13") unfolded. 
Motto: Happy Birthday. Grow in grace. 2 Peter 3:18
Divinity Boutique

Garden of Grace Tapestry Woven Throw

100% cotton woven tapestry throw.
Ideal for use as a coverlet, lap blanket, or even a wall hanging.
Machine wash or dry clean.
Verse: Now the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that ye may abound in hope, through the power of the Holy Ghost. Romans 15:13 Size: 152.4 x 127cm (60" x 50")
Thomas Kinkade

Saturday 16 July 2016

Stand Strong by Hylander Singing Men

“Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might” – Ephesians 6:10
These songs performed by the Hylander Singing Men are sure to be a blessing as a reminder that through the Lord’s help, we are able to face any opposition!
Song listing:

Audio CD
Bible Truth Music

Wednesday 13 July 2016

The Robert Jermain Thomas Story

The Torchlighters: Heroes of the Faith DVD series

In the mid nineteenth century, the hermit kingdom of Korea will do anything to keep foreigners and Christianity out. However, one brave missionary will do anything to bring the light of God into this dark land. With the help of some Korean fishermen hungry for truth, Robert Jermain Thomas risks everything to smuggle in a treasure beyond all imagination. But what will his bravery cost him? And will the Word of God bring light to this dark kingdom?

English and Spanish audio and subtitles (animation only)
  • 27-minute documentary on Robert Jermain Thomas
  • Comprehensive leader’s guide in PDF
  • Reproducible student handouts in PDF
Ages: 8-12
Approximately running time: 30 minutes + 27 mins extras
Christian History Institute

RVR 1960/ KJV Bilingual Bible (Spanish/English)

All the elegance of the Reina Valera revision 1960 combined with the poetic beauty of the King James.
Features: Words of Christ in red, presentation page, Harmony of the life of Christ

1792 pages
Size: 16.3 x 24.4cm

Bible Version: RVR 1960 Spanish/ KJV English

Friday 8 July 2016

What God Says About What Goes Into Your Body

What does God say about what goes into my body? Drugs, alcohol, cigarettes are destructive but youth can be lured into their trap through peer pressure. This tract simply explains what the Bible teaches on the topic.

Full colour with illustrations throughout. Includes puzzle activities
Morality tract for children and youth.
Pages: 8
Size: 90 x 216m
Apologetics Press

Bible Version: not KJV

What God Says About Jealousy

What does God say about jealousy?  This tract simply explains what the Bible teaches on the topic.

Full colour with illustrations throughout. Includes puzzle activities
Morality tract for children and youth.
Pages: 8
Size: 90 x 216m
Apologetics Press

Bible Version: not KJV

What God Says About Pornography

What does God say about pornography? Even on the playground, children are exposed to it through technology and social media. This tract simply explains what the Bible teaches on the topic.

Full colour with illustrations throughout. Includes puzzle activities
Morality tract for children and youth.
Pages: 8
Size: 90 x 216m
Apologetics Press

Bible Version: not KJV

What God Says About Stealing

What does God say about stealing? This tract simply explains what the Bible teaches on the topic.

Full colour with illustrations throughout. Includes puzzle activities
Morality tract for children and youth.
Pages: 8
Size: 90 x 216m
Apologetics Press

Bible Version: not KJV

What God Says About Lying

What does God say about lying? We live in a world where there seems to be no absolute - as long as it doesn't hurt others, it is fine - this is the world's mentality. This tract simply explains what the Bible teaches on the topic.

Full colour with illustrations throughout. Includes puzzle activities
Morality tract for children and youth.
Pages: 8
Size: 90 x 216m
Apologetics Press

Bible Version: not KJV

What God Says About Bragging

What does God say about bragging? We are continually bombarded with it. This tract simply explains what the Bible teaches on the topic.

Full colour with illustrations throughout. Includes puzzle activities
Morality tract for children and youth.
Pages: 8
Size: 90 x 216m
Apologetics Press

Bible Version: not KJV