
Friday 20 December 2013

Would a Loving God Send People to Hell? Could a Holy God Take People to Heaven?

In a world full of statistics, here is the ultimate
statistic: one out of every one dies. Then what?
God had a problem. Well, not exactly. The great God is too powerful and wise to have problems; He only solves them. But it appears to us that He had a problem in figuring out a plan of salvation for mankind.
What is the problem? Actually it arises from a seeming clash between two of the great attributes of God—His love and His righteousness. On the one hand, God is a God of love. He loves people passionately. They are His crowning work. Among all the marvels of creation, He is delighted in a special way with humanity. He wants the companionship of every man, woman, boy and girl for all eternity.
But the problem arises from the fact that we are all sinners and God is righteous. He can’t  look on sin with approval. He can’t wink at sin, overlook it or condone it. Sin must be punished and the wages of sin is death. If sinners are ever going to be at home with God in heaven, their sins must somehow be put away. No unforgiven sinner can ever enter heaven.
Now how can God devise a plan of salvation that satisfies His love and yet does not compromise His righteousness? How can He be a just God and a Saviour at the same time? How can He be a righteous God and pardon ungodly sinners? That’s the dilemma. The famous Greek philosopher, Socrates, once said to Plato, then his pupil, “It may be that God can forgive sins, but I cannot see how.”
Seven requirements for any plan of salvation:
It was an act of indescribable grace when God decided to rescue fallen mankind. But once He made the decision, He had to devise a plan that would satisfy His love and His holiness. Since He loves everyone, His salvation must be:
Offered to all. He doesn’t want any left out.
Sufficient for all. It must meet the needs of every person without exception.
Something for which everyone is eligible. No amount of evil should be able to bar anyone from participation.
Simple enough for anyone to understand—no use making an incomprehensible offer.
Something which anyone can receive. The true religion must not have any conditions that some couldn’t meet.
There must be no possibility for human boasting. Pride is the parent sin, and there will be no pride in heaven. Everyone must have the same fitness for heaven.
Yes the plan must be one which God does not force on a person against his will.
The only answer? Finding the right substitute.
There is only one conceivable solution to the dilemma. A suitable substitute must somehow be found to pay the penalty of the sins of the people. Most of us are familiar with the idea of substitution. In some athletic events, the coach sends someone onto the field as a substitute for another player. The average Hebrew believer in Old Testament times understood substitution.
When he brought an animal to the altar of sacrifice and laid his hand on the animals head, he pictured the transfer of his sins to a substitute that would die in his place. But even here there are conditions to be met by a substitute that would fully and finally solve our need to meet God’s requirements:
The substitute must be human. Otherwise the exchange would not be fair or equal.
He must be a sinless person. Otherwise he would have to die for his own sins.
He must be God. Only an infinite person could atone for the numberless sins of the human race. The value of the substitute must be great enough to cover all the sins of humanity—past, present, and future.
He must shed his blood, because divine law has decreed that without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness of sin. Life is in the blood and there must be life for life.
He must be willing, or Satan could charge God with unjustly forcing an involuntary victim to die in the place of ungodly sinners.
Jesus of Nazareth qualifies on all counts.
The only Person in the universe who meets the conditions is Jesus Christ.
He became Man at Bethlehem. Born of a Virgin Mary, He is perfect Man (1 Timothy 2:5). As the great Christian hymn-writer, Charles Wesley, put it, “Our God contracted to a span, incomprehensibly made Man.”
He is God (John 1:1). He has attributes of God, the titles of God, and is equal with God the Father.
He is without sin; the record cannot be denied. He knew no sin, He did no sin, and there is no sin in Him (2 Cor. 5:21; 1 Pet. 2:22; 1 Jn. 3:5).
He shed His blood as a substitute for sinners on the Cross of Calvary. Multitudes have availed themselves of the blood of Jesus Christ, God’s Son, that cleanses from all sin (1 Jn. 1:7).
He did it willingly so that sinners could be saved. There was no reluctance. On the contrary, there was a joyful submission to the will of God (Ps. 40:8; Heb. 12:2).
The truth of Christ as our Substitute is found throughout the Bible. Isaiah boldly proclaimed, “He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon Him. and by His stripes we are healed...and the Lord has laid on Him the iniquity of us all” (Isa. 53:5-6). The Apostle Paul said, “The Son of God...loved me and gave Himself for me” (Gal. 2:20). Peter added: “[He] bore our sins in His own body on the tree” (1 Pet. 2:24).
And the terms of this amazing arrangement?
Since the Lord Jesus perfectly meets all the requirements for a substitutionary sacrifice, God can now proclaim His marvelous way of salvation, the good news of His grace. He can offer salvation as a gift to all who repent of their sins and receive His Son as Lord and Saviour by a definite act of faith.
Notice that this salvation is available to all. “Whoever believes on Him should not perish but have eternal life” (John 3:16). If it depended on money, the poor would miss out.
It is sufficient for all (1 Jn. 2:2). The death of this infinite Saviour has power to atone for all the sins of the world. It is supremely adequate.
Everyone is eligible for it because everyone is a sinner (Rom. 3:23). It’s his very unfitness that qualifies anyone for God’s salvation. It’s a good thing that the gift of eternal life is not just for the intellectual, the wealthy, or the famous. Some of us would never qualify. Even if it were only for those who could read, walk, talk, or see, some would be excluded. Only the gospel suits the whole world.
It is simple enough for anyone to understand. No one is too primitive or illiterate. The Lord Jesus says, “Come.” Nothing complicated about that! As William Cowper put it, “O! how unlike the complex works of man, heaven’s easy, artless, unencumbered plan!”
Anyone can receive it (Rev. 22:17). Salvation is by repentance; anyone can do that. It is by faith; anyone can believe in the Lord Jesus Christ. No one is more credible than He, and nothing is more reasonable than for the creature to trust His Creator.
Grace excludes boasting. It says, “I did all the sinning. Christ did all the saving. I claim His merits, and not my own. I have no right to enter heaven because of what I am or what I have done. Christ alone is my passport.”
Man is not coerced into accepting God’s salvation (John 3:36). The Creator made him a free moral agent. Strange as it may seem, not everyone wants to be saved. God doesn’t force heaven or anyone. He will not take anyone to heaven against his or her will. You can be certain that any religion that grows by coercion, violence, and cruelty is not the true one.
So God’s way of salvation is the perfect way.
This offer from heaven meets all the terms necessary to satisfy God’s requirements and at the same time can be made available to all humanity. Christ’s work on the Cross enables God to fully exercise His love without compromising His justice. The Psalmist says it poetically: “Mercy and truth have met together; righteousness and peace and kissed each other” (Ps. 85:10). Given the character of God and given the sinfulness of man, it is clear that it is the only possible way of salvation.
Charles Spurgeon asks: “Who would have thought of the just ruler dying for the unjust rebel? This is no teaching of human mythology, or dream of poetic imagination. This method of expiation is only known among men because it is a fact. Fiction could not have devised it. God Himself ordained it. It is not a matter which could have been imagined.”
Perhaps the clearest verses in the Bible on the subject of salvation by grace apart from works are Romans 4:4-5, “Now to him who works, the wages are not counted as grace but as debt. But to him who does not work but believes on Him who justifies the ungodly, his faith is accounted for righteousness.”
Shocking as it may seem, God saves those who do not work, that is, who do not try to earn or deserve salvation but receive it as a free gift. And it is only ungodly people whom He saves. Not good people, not people who do their best, but people who are willing to admit that thy are ungodly. In other words, people who repent.
Pay attention to the word “believe.” That is the crucial one. To believe means to receive Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour. It means to accept Him as the One who paid the penalty of one’s sins; it means to depend on Him as the only hope of heaven.
When a person believes in Him, he is saved. And he can know it, not by his feelings, but by the infallible Word of God (John 1:12, 3:15-16; 5:24; Rom. 10:9; Eph. 2:8; 1 Jn. 5:10-13)
—William MacDonald

Gospel tract.
Pages: 2
Size: 216 x 94mm (when folded)
Gospel Folio Press
Pack quantity: 50
Bible Version: KJV

To purchase: No minimum quantities on any tract purchase so single copies or whatever is required may be ordered. Pack quantities are given for those who want to purchase a complete pack.

Saturday 28 September 2013

When Should I Pray? Poster

Colour your own poster!

Age level: 5+
Size: 435 x 560mm
Oriental Trading Company
Product code: CKCYOW

Note: Please order early if you would like to order in bulk (10 or more) as we cannot stock large numbers due to lack of storage space.

Giant 10 Commandments Sticker Scene

I. You shall have no other gods.
II. You must not worship false idols.  
III. You must not misuse your God's name.
IV. Remember the Sabbath day and keep it holy.
V. Honor your father and your mother.
VI. You shall not murder.
VII. You shall not commit adultery.
VIII. You shall not steal.
IX. You must not tell lies.
X. You must not desire anything that belongs to your neighbor.

Backgound scene with stickers.
Age level: 3+
Size: 433 x 278mm
Oriental Trading Company
Product code: SSGITN

Note: Please order early if you would like to order in bulk (10 or more) as we cannot stock large numbers due to lack of storage space.

Books of the Bible Cross Craft Kit

Foam pieces, glitter and cord. Includes instructions.

Materials required: Double-sided tape and glue (double-sided tape works better than glue for most of the project)
Age level: 6+
Size: 191 x 342mm
Oriental Trading Company
Bible Version: KJV

Note: Please order early if you would like to order in bulk (10 or more) as we cannot stock large numbers due to lack of storage space.

Inspirational Traffic Light Craft Kit

I am the way, the truth and the life. John 14:6. STOP and listen to God. SLOW make time for God. GO God's way everyday.

Self-adhesive foam pieces and cord. Includes instructions.

Age level: 4+
Size: 80 x 246mm
Oriental Trading Company
Product code: CKTRLG

Note: Please order early if you would like to order in bulk (15 or more) as we cannot stock large numbers due to lack of storage space.

Friday 27 September 2013

Jesus is the Living Water Craft Kit

 Jesus is the living water. "Whoever drinks the water I give him will never thirst." John 4:14

Age level: 5+
Self-adhesive foam pieces, jute and satin cord. Includes instructions.
Size: 180 x 132mm
Oriental Trading Company
Product code: CKWATE

Note: Please order early if you would like to order in bulk (10 or more) as we cannot stock large numbers due to lack of storage space.

Fishers of Men Bible Craft Kit

Foam pieces. Includes instructions. Verse featured: "Come follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men. Mark 1:17"

Materials required: Double-sided tape. (Instructions say to use glue but tape works better). Also some sticky tape.
Age level: 6+
Size: 204 x 186mm
Oriental Trading Company
Product code: CKFISH

Note: Please order early if you would like to order in bulk (10 or more) as we cannot stock large numbers due to lack of storage space.

Tips: Instead of tying the black elastic cord to the wooden stick we used a little bit of sticky tape to secure it better. (Kath, homeschooling mother)

Trust in the Lord Magnet Craft Kit

In God I trust, I will not be afraid. Trust in the Lord with all your heart. Trust in the Lord forever.

Self-adhesive foam pieces, magnet. Includes instructions. Assorted designs

Age level: 3-4+
Size: various
Oriental Trading Company
Product code: CKTRUS

Note: Please order early if you would like to order in bulk (10 or more) as we cannot stock large numbers due to lack of storage space.

God Keeps His Promises Rainbow Magnet Craft Kit

Self-adhesive foam pieces, magnet. Includes instructions.

Materials required: Double -sided tape (works better than glue)
Age level: 4+
Size: 156 x 120mm
Oriental Trading Company
Product code: CKRAIN

Note: Please order early if you would like to order in bulk (10 or more) as we cannot stock large numbers due to lack of storage space.

Jesus Loves Me Heart Magnet Craft Kit

Self-adhesive foam pieces. Includes instructions. Assorted colours/designs.

Age level: 3+ (Very easy)
Size: 92 x 83mm
Oriental Trading Company
Product code: CKJLMH
Note: Please order early if you would like to order in bulk (15 or more) as we cannot stock large numbers due to lack of storage space.

Lazarus Sign Craft Kit

Jesus said, "He who believes in my will live, even though he dies: and whoever lives and believes in my will never die."
"Lazarus, come out!"
Self-adhesive foam pieces. Includes instructions.
Age level: 3-4+
Size: 155 x 124mm
Oriental Trading Company
Product code: CKLAZA

Note: Please order early if you would like to order in bulk (10 or more) as we cannot stock large numbers due to lack of storage space.

Noah's Ark Paper Plate Craft Kit

Self-adhesive foam pieces and paper plate. Includes instructions.

Materials required: Double-sided tape. (Instructions say to use glue but tape works better)
Age level: 7+
Size: 230mm diameter
Oriental Trading Company
Product code: CKNAPP

Note: Please order early if you would like to order in bulk (15 or more) as we cannot stock large numbers due to lack of storage space.

Review: My 7 year old needed a bit of assistance with placing. If not fussed how turns out guess someone younger could do it? (Kath, homeschooling mother)

Thursday 26 September 2013

"All Things Are Possible With God" Magnet Craft Kit

Self-adhesive foam pieces. Includes instructions.
Age level: 3+.
Self-adhesive foam, magnet.
Size: 110 x 90mm
Oriental Trading Company
Product code: CKALLT

Note: Please order early if you would like to order in bulk (10 or more) as we cannot stock large numbers due to lack of storage space.

"God's Love is So Big" Mouse Craft Kit

Self-adhesive foam pieces and chenille stems. Includes instructions.
Age level: 4+ with assistance.
Size: 85 x 98mm
Oriental Trading Company
Product code: CKMOUS

Note: Please order early if you would like to order in bulk (10 or more) as we cannot stock large numbers due to lack of storage space.

Review: Very easy to make. Every piece has double-sided tape and it is easy to put together.
Parent or supervisor will need to explain that the string is attached by sandwiching it between the mouse and the round foam pieces on the back, if the child cannot read the directions him/herself. (Calra, homeschooling mother)

John 3:16 Globe Craft Kit

For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life. John 3:16

Foam pieces and satin cording. Includes instructions. Requires glue and sticky tape. 

Age level: 5+ with assistance.
Size: 150 x 178mm
Oriental Trading Company
Product code: CKJOHN

Note: Please order early if you would like to order in bulk (10 or more) as we cannot stock large numbers due to lack of storage space.

Review: This one was quite difficult and messy. The globe needs a little care to place the countries on correctly, and the glitter is messy.
I would say this one would NEED to be for an older child, I think... Maybe Ages 7+
Also, this kit suggested gluing the string onto the back of the picture board, and gluing the sun onto the string... Which to me is rather ridiculous as it's hard to get glue to stay. What it really needs is foam with double-sided tape that can be stuck on the back with the string sandwiched to stick it like is done with some of the other kits. (Clara, homeschooling mother) [or try sticky tape]

Dare to be Like Daniel Sign Craft Kit


Self-adhesive foam pieces and nylon cording. Includes instructions. Each sign features the verse "When I am afraid, I will trust in you. In God I trust; I will not be afraid. Psalm 56:3-4"
Age level: 3-4 with supervision, 4+ with direction/reading help as needed.
Size: 157 x 172mm
Oriental Trading Company
Product code: CKDARE

Note: Please order early if you would like to order in bulk (10 or more) as we cannot stock large numbers due to lack of storage space.

"Fly with the Lord" Glider

Foam glider. Simple to assemble.
Age level: 3+
Size: 150mm
Oriental Trading Company
Bible Version: none

Note: Please order early if you would like to order in bulk (10 or more) as we cannot stock large numbers due to lack of storage space.

Good Samaritan Sticker Scene


Backgound scene with 27 stickers.
Age level: 3+
Size: 166 x 121mm
Oriental Trading Company
Bible Version: none

Note: Please order early if you would like to order in bulk (10 or more) as we cannot stock large numbers due to lack of storage space.

David & Goliath Sticker Scene

David went out to Goliath. He said, "I come against you in the name of the Lord. My God will help me." Goliath was angry and ready to kill David. David put one stone into his sling and spun it around. He slung the stone at Goliath's head. The stone struck Goliath's forehead and he fell dead.

Use the stickers to create two scenes from this well-known Bible account.
Backgound scene with 42 stickers.

Age level: 3+
Size: 280 x 216mm
Oriental Trading Company
Product code: SSDVGL

Note: Please order early if you would like to order in bulk (15 or more) as we cannot stock large numbers due to lack of storage space.

Prodigal Son Sticker Scene

There once was a man who had two sons. His younger son asked his father for his share of the estate. The young son took his money and set off for a distant country. When he got there he spent all of his money. The son had to go to work because he had no money or food. Even the pigs he was feeding had more to eat than he did. He decided he would go home and ask his father to forgive him. The son returned home and his father ran to meet him. The father was so happy to see his son. He forgave him and threw a party to celebrate his lost son, who had come home.

Use stickers to create 4 scenes from the account of the prodigal son.

Backgound scene with 52 stickers.

Age level: 3+
Size: 280 x 216mm
Oriental Trading Company
Product Code: SSPROD

Note: Please order early if you would like to order in bulk (10 or more) as we cannot stock large numbers due to lack of storage space.

Monday 15 July 2013

The Good News Must Go Out by Rebecca Davis

A sultan whose three hundred wives were buried alive . . . cannibals who believed there was no such thing as a white woman . . . an elegant French lady who watched in horror as the missionary performed surgery on her kitchen table . . . . These are just a few of the real people encountered in these true missionary stories of Margaret Nicholl Laird in her ministry in the Central African Republic, as she and many others gave their lives in service of the King of Glory, whose Good News could not be stopped. Second in the Hidden Heroes series of true missionary books for children.

A "Thinking Further" section in the back of the book gives Scripture verses and discussion questions for each chapter.

Reading level: Read to 7-8 years; Read myself 9-12 years
160 pages
Size: 130 x 198mm
Christian Focus Publications
Bible Version: ESV

With Two Hands by Rebecca Davis

Why would a crippled old man wait by the side of the road every day for twenty years? Why would a slave and a witch doctor walk for three days to find a man called Jesus? Why would a lame man purposely walk to a tribe where he knew he could be killed? Sixteen captivating true episodes from the ministry of missionary Dick McLellan in Ethiopia, as well as many national missionaries, show the power of God in the midst of darkness. One by one the people declared, "With this hand I renounce the devil and all his works! With this hand I embrace my Savior Jesus Christ! All I am and all I have! Two hands!" First in the Hidden Heroes series of true missionary stories for children.

A "Thinking Further" section in the back of the book gives Scripture verses and discussion questions for each chapter.

Reading level: Read to 7-8 years; Read myself 9-12 years
172 pages
Size: 130 x 198mm
Christian Focus Publications
Bible Version: ESV

Witness Men by Rebecca Davis

In 1938, in the remote highlands of a mountainous island, explorers discovered thousands upon thousands of tribal people. Missionaries began to come, to bring the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Little did they know that many of the people of the tribes were waiting . . . waiting . . . for someone to come and help them out of the darkness of their old way of life. Fifteen chapters recount the true missionary stories of the gospel spreading throughout the highlands of Papua, Indonesia, from 1955 to 2010, when one of the tribes received their first New Testaments. Third in the Hidden Heroes series of true missionary stories for children.

A "Thinking Further" section in the back of the book gives Scripture verses and discussion questions for each chapter.

Reading level: Read to 7-8 years; Read myself 9-12 years
143 pages
Size: 130 x 198mm
Christian Focus Publications
Bible Version: ESV

Tuesday 9 July 2013

4 Animal Pencils

Pictures of animals with mottoes: God is good, God is love, God is kind, God is great
Pack of 4 HB pencils

Hughes & Coleman

Noah's Ark Pencil Case

Blue pencil case with motto "God keeps his promises" picture of animals walking to Noah's ark.

Zipper closure and pocket.
Size: 223 x 90 x 38mm (approx.)

Hughes & Coleman

Songs of Praise by Cedarmont Kids

Follow this link to listen to track samples

15 classic Christian songs for kids on this enhanced CD! You'll get 30 minutes of music that's repeated in split-track format so your kids can sing along to the music. As a bonus, this enhanced CD features 10 coloring/activity pages, and an expanded version of the lyrics can be printed using your home computer. The lyrics are also in printed in the CD booklet. Recommended for ages 3 to 7.

Running time: 30 minutes per section
Cedarmont Kids

Bible Version: none

Also available in Spanish

Emmy Lou's New Shoes by Edith Martin

“You better stay out of the creek today. The water is too high to wade,” Mom had said. But when Becky came to play, Emmy didn’t want to hear that little warning voice in her head. Emmy Lou hated disappointing Becky. So when Becky suggested, “Let’s walk across the creek just one time, “ Emmy Lou picked up her shoes and led the way. The sun was bright and warm, and it was so fun to share her creek with a friend. Suddenly there was a splash, and one new shoe swirled away in the rushing brown water. A repentant Emmy Lou wished she could go back and do that day over again. She can’t, but she soon has opportunity to apply the hard lesson she learned. A true story.

Reading level: Read to 5-7 years; Read myself 7-8 years
48 pages
Size: 168 x 202mm
Christian Light Publications
Bible Version: none

God's Treasures on the Shore by Jennifer Butters

Please come along and walk with us
along the sandy shore.
We’ll search for treasures that were once
upon the ocean floor.
This beautifully illustrated book of rhymes introduces children to beach creatures such as hermit crabs, starfish and several types of shells. After taking a walk along the shore with a family (grandparents too!) your child can browse a glossary with more full-colour pictures and in-depth descriptions about these fascinating treasures which God created on the fifth day.

Reading level: Read to 4-6 years
36 pages
Size: 166 x 204mm
Christian Light Publications
Bible Version: none

Daddy on the Mend by Tina Fehr

Andrew stood stiff and alert beside Daddy’s bed. Little Sharilyn stared with wide eyes from Mom’s arms. Christopher clung to Mom’s skirt, and Megan gripped Grandma’s hand. Daddy opened his eyes and smiled a little at Andrew. “God is taking care of me,” he said. But his voice was not the strong, cheerful Daddy-voice that Andrew was used to hearing. All summer while Daddy’s broken leg heals, Andrew and his family learn about God’s care, their church family’s love, and about being patient and kind. Daddy on the Mend is a true story the whole family will enjoy.

Reading level: Read to 4-6 years; Read myself 7-9 years
84 pages
Size: 152 x 229mm
Christian Light Publications
Bible Version: NKJV

Who Taught the Bird?

Full Text of Who Taught the Bird?
Just returned from South America, Uncle Edward had wonderful stories to tell his nieces and nephews.
“I’ll tell you a snake story,” said the young man. “One beautiful morning, I roamed off as usual, with gun over my shoulder, and my lunch in my pocket, in search of game.
“After a while, feeling rather tired and very hungry, I sat down on a fallen tree to rest.
“While seated there, my attention was attracted by the cries of a bird which was fluttering over a leafy spot, doubtless her tiny nest. She was in great distress, and I could not help rising to see, if possible, the cause of her trouble. I soon found out. Creeping slowly along towards the tree was one of the most venomous snakes in South America, with its small glittering eyes fixed on the bird, and its forked tongue darting quickly out and in.
“Soon I saw a curious thing happen. The male bird flew quickly away. In a little while I saw him return with a small twig covered with leaves in his beak. Perching near the nest, he laid the twig carefully across it, covering his mate and her young. Then, taking his place on one of the topmost branches of the tree, he seemed to grow quieter, and there awaited the approach of the enemy.
“By this time the snake had reached the spot. He twisted himself around the trunk and climbed up the tree. Then gliding along the branch, he came close to the nest and lifted his venomous head, ready to dart upon the poor bird. His small, glittering eyes watched the nest for a moment, and then — “
Uncle Edward paused but the children hurried him on with the story.
“ — then suddenly throwing his head back, as if he had received some sudden blow, he turned around, made his way down the tree and disappeared in the long grass.
“I climbed up the tree and examined the little broken branch. I carried it home and told the whole story to a native friend, showing him the twig. I learned from him that it had been picked by the bird from a bush which is poisonous to the snake and which he is never known to touch. The little helpless creature had used it as a shield of defense.
Satan is called in Scripture “that old serpent.” He is intent on the destruction of men and women and boys and girls, helpless as birds against his attacks and cleverness.
But God has told us in His Word of a tree that is poison to our enemy, and is certain protection for us, old and young. I mean the cross of the Lord Jesus Christ. Christ “His own self bare our sins in His own body on the tree” (1 Peter 2:24). “With His stripes we are healed” (Isaiah 53:5).
Isn’t it wonderful that our gracious God should teach the bird about the tree where it may “help itself” to a healing branch? And is it less wonderful that He has provided the cross, and the great salvation accomplished there by our Lord Jesus Christ for us? No, it is the most remarkable fact in the universe that the Son of God “loved me and gave Himself for me” (Galatians 2:20), and that salvation is for “whosoever will.” Will YOU?
“In this was manifested the love of God toward us, because that God sent His only begotten Son into the world, that we might live through Him” (1 John 4:9).
“But as many as received Him, to them gave He power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on His name” (John 1:12).

Gospel tract (full-colour).
Pages: 4
Size: 89 x 139mm
Bible Truth Publishers
Pack quantity: 100

Bible Version: KJV

To purchase: No minimum quantities on any tract purchase so single copies or whatever is required may be ordered. Pack quantities are given for those who want to purchase a complete pack.

Animal Bookmarks

Bookmark Series ‘BK1’
Full colour. With tassel.
Size: 140 x 45mm.
Hughes & Coleman.
Bible Version: not KJV

Friday 5 July 2013

Growing with the Millers by Mildred A Martin

Gather around the table with Sharon, Peter, Timmy, Laura and Beth Miller, and read about how Timmy saves an elderly neighbor's life, Sharon teaches summer Bible school, Peter shoots the wrong deer, Sioux Indians return good for evil, and much more! As always, each "Miller" story is based on true incidents and illustrates verses from Scripture.

Other: Miller Family series. The Miller Family books can be read independently and there is no need to read them in chronological order as each book, and even each chapter stands alone. However, the children do grow older through the stories and thus the chronological order for this series is: Storytime with the Millers, Wisdom and the Millers, Missionary Stories with the Millers, Prudence and the Millers, School Days with the Millers, Growing with the Millers. The ages of the children in this family are quite spread out so the books appeal to a wide age group. Illustrations of women show Mennonite headcoverings.

Reading level: Read to: 4-7 years; Read myself 8-15 years.

Pages: 144
Size: 137 x 216mm
Green Pastures Press. 2013

Bible Version: KJV

Animal Friends Reading and Craft Book by Mary Currier

Sixty-four pages of simple animal stories and crafts to delight children and adults alike. In addition to telling about animals, the stories and crafts highlight character traits and qualities we should all want to have.
Doesn't teach anything directly from the Bible but does teach many principles.

64 pages
Size: 132 x 216mm
Christian Light Publications
Bible Version: none

My God is So Big by Catherine Mackenzie

Featuring a fun song for kids to learn and sing, kids will be reminded of the strength and greatness of our Lord in terms that they can understand. Based on the chorus "My God is so big!" this is a great book which teaches children about the strength and power of God.
Colour illustrations.
40 pages.
Size: 211 x 211mm
Christian Focus Publications.
Bible Version: not KJV

Exploring God's Word Activity Book

Activity book with word scrambles, maps, matching game, recipes and more; perfect for home and Sunday school.

16 pages.
Size: 135 x 210mm
Christian Tools Affirmation.
Bible Version: KJV

Faithful Friends Beaker

Cute animals and mottoes: Rejoice in the Lord; God is good; God cares; Teach me your way; Jesus is alive; Sing to the Lord.

Plastic beaker.
Hughes & Coleman.


Cosy Kitchen Tea Towel Pair

Pictures of kitchen items.
One towel as a kitchen prayer inscribed on it.
The other has verses: The living God, who gives us richly all things to enjoy. 1 Timothy 6:17; Blessed be the Lord, who daily loads us with benefits. Psalm 68:19; In everything give thanks for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus. 1 Thessalonians 5:18.

2 tea towels.
100% cotton.
Hughes & Coleman.


Thursday 4 July 2013

Cute Characters Stickers

12 stickers per sheet. Cute animals with mottoes: God is faithful, Rejoice in the Lord, God cares, Give God the glory, God made me, God is good, Jesus is alive, Only God makes things grow, Make time for God, Trust in the Lord, Praise the Lord.

Sticker size: 37mm diameter
Hughes & Coleman
Bible Version: none

Cute Rainbow Stickers

12 stickers per sheet. Cute animals with mottoes: Rejoice in the Lord, New life in Christ, God cares, God made me, God is good, God is kind, God is amazing, God’s love is wonderful, God is bigger than me, Love lifted me, God understands, Praise the Lord.

Sticker size: 35 x 36mm
Hughes & Coleman
Bible Version: none

Wednesday 15 May 2013

Bible Truth Kids Sing Christmas Songs

If you love the BIBLE SONGS FOR KIDS CD's you will love this collection of 20 Christmas songs by the BT KIDS! Classic carols like Joy to the Lord and Away in a Manger, along with Luke 2 Scripture Songs, plus original songs: Bethlehem Town and the brand new song: The Gift of Jesus!

Song Listing

Joy to the World
The Lamb of God
Here We Go!
Silent Night, Holy Night
Christmas, Alleluia! Amen!
Why Do We Kneel?
Go Tell It on the Mountain
For Unto Us a Child Is Born
No Room in the Inn
Fear Not
Glory to God in the Highest
They Came with Haste
Glorifying and Praising God
Angels We Have Heard on High
Born in a Manger
Away in a Manger
Bethlehem Town
The Gift of Jesus
While Shepherds Watched
What Child Is This?
Audio CD
Bible Truth Music
Bible Version: KJV

God's Holy Lamb by Bible Truth Music

In portraying Jesus as the Lamb of God, this new musical presents the events surrounding the crucifixion and resurrection in five monologues with a clear-cut Gospel message.

Song Listing
God's Holy Lamb

Monologue 1
Monologue 2
Turn to Jesus
Monologue 3
Remember Me
That's Why He Came
Monologue 4
Christ Arose!
Monologue 5
God's Holy Lamb (Reprise)
Audio CD
Bible Truth Music

Hymns by Cedarmont Kids

Follow this link to listen to track samples

Sixteen classic Hymns for kids including: "To God Be the Glory," "O Worship the King," "For the Beauty of the Earth ," "Bringing in the Sheaves," "Amazing Grace," "Tell Me the Story of Jesus," "What a Friend We Have in Jesus" and many more! Split-track format lets your kids sing alone to the music! Lyrics included.

Running time: 30 minutes per section
Cedarmont Kids

Bible Version: none

Also available in Spanish